Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random thoughts on this Wednesday

Laila was ticked when her new pink jacket got taken from the high school.
She lost shoes there this past fall as well.

"The kids that took my stuff should go to kid jail." She proclaimed.
"Is there such a thing as kid jail?"

"It's called juvi jail, and it starts when you are a teen ager." I told her.

"OH.... well that's where they should go."
Laila sat in the back seat with a grim expression on her face.

"Laila do you know what they do in jail?"

She piped right up without hesitation.
"Smash hard rocks, eat gross food and sleep on hard surfaces."

Wow. I didn't know she had such a depth of knowledge.

I agree with Laila, stealers should go to jail, and have to do all of the above.....over and over.....

I got Laila some 2 inch black high heel church shoes.
She opened the box and was thrilled.
"Big Girl shoes!"
Her next response was priceless....."They are perfect for Lagoon."
She wants to ride the big kid rides so badly.

I cried watching Monson sing in his Christmas concert last night.
He sings with such joy.
This is my last boy to go through the choir program at BHS.
I've been going to these concerts, and enjoying them for the past 8 years.
I was taken back to watching Monson sing in his second grade program.
He proudly wore his little tuxedo. (The only thing he wanted for his 8th birthday....oh and a Monkey, which he didn't get.)
He smiled brightly at 8 and sang from his heart.
He smiled at almost 17 as well.
I was also remembering him in his 8th grade boy's choir group. They wore red vests, bow ties and white hats. Quite the costume. He drew all of the attention because he swayed and moved when he sang, and just exuded joy.
I love this boy.
I'm glad I get 1 1/2 years more of choir concerts to cry through.

My house is a wreck. Seriously. So many unforseen problems with remodeling.
When I begin to complain of our 6 week inconvenience so far, and eating microwave in the basement, and the DUST mess, and the extra money, etc......any ex-remodelers just roll their eyes. "Wait til 6 months and we'll talk."
It is starting to take shape though.
I love my floor.
I love my cabinets....what is in so far.
I love my color scheme.
It's going to be FABULOUS!

Addison is so talented in so many ways.
He just threw together a quick gift last night. It's amazing!!!
I've said before that he really is only RIGHT much so, that his head is probably mis-shapen.
He draws and scuplts and acts and sings and dances and paints.....he sees things differently than the rest of us not so right-brained people.
Now if he could start getting paid for this talent of his, we could get off his back about finding an hourly paid job.
OBTW (That means, Oh, by the way.... my dad uses it a lot) Addison got nominated for a College acting award...The Irene Ryan award, for his part as Icabod Crane, and the show "SLeepy Hollow" made it to the regional competitions in Feb.

I've given up on Christmas at my house this year. I would take a "pass" on the whole thing, but I do have children.
We are going to my mom's for Christmas eve and sleeping over for Christmas morn. It will be fun to be there with Mom and Dad and Liz and Al too.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Fun post to read... you'll have to be on the lookout for a student at BHS wearing a too small pink jacket. What kind of floor did you put in the kitchen? I'm excited to see the remodel. You'll love it!!