Wednesday, March 31, 2021

One week to live

If this was your last week to live on earth, what would you do?  

I would have a celebration, go to the temple, gather the family for a big final dinner with all my favorite foods, spend time outside- maybe a beach(?),  be with my friends, give some last wise words, get my things in order and love and bless and pray. 

Jesus' last week on earth He had a celebration- his triumphal entry with palm leaves praising him. He went to the temple ( and cleared it out). He had the last supper- I'm sure it featured all of his favorite, delicious foods. Washed some feet (Okay... this one is not on my list, but I would change a diaper if called upon for one of my grandbabies). He spent time with family and friends. He was outdoors at the Mount of Olives. He taught and blessed and loved even his enemies that would betray him.  

He prayed. 

This is Holy Week.  

I'm trying to be like Jesus. 


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

March birthdays with my peeps


We celebrated with my siblings going to Red Iguana for Adam, Al and Marcie's March birthdays.  Marcie would be 60.  She died at 54.  Liz turns 54 in May and it’s kind of weird to think about all of that.  I’m grateful for these people.  Family updates: Angela and Guy-  Angela is back in Music Man at CPT which opens middle of April.  Guy and Preston are planning some fun motorcycle rides.  Preston got his own motorcycle and has been practicing.  Adam and Christine: Adam is golfing like a golf pro just finishing up a long weekend in St. George golfing at 4 different courses, and Christine is BUSY with her work with window coverings at Wasatch shutters.   Everyone is redoing their homes through covid. She has only gotten busier.  Liz and Al--just got back from a weekend softball tournament in Mesquite.  Al’s team WON!  They are really good.  Liz's work is busy with home mortgages. Gary is flying to California for  work after a year of NOT doing that with KIN.  The beauty industry has been hard hit, during this time.  Gary has been a lifesaver to many  in this industry with facebook lives and teaching.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

3 Cuz trip 2021

The 3 Cuz 2021 trip is in the books.  We had a wonderful time at Krystin's Sand Hollow Resort condo.  Our shared history, and current secrets- things we wouldn't/ couldn't/shouldn/t share with anyone else but this tight group - keeps us together.  

We had someone try to break into the condo one night.  Seriously.   It was Cindy's back door to her room and it scared her to death.. a woosh of air, and a flash light lit up the floor and then they probably saw her stuff on the floor and took off, she also heard the back gate clanking.  She lay in bed frozen with fear.  She knew he was a slasher--and she didn't wake either me and Krystin up.  We heard about it and  reported it the next morning.  

One year ago we were at the beginning of the Pandemic...and now we are hopefully at the end.   
Our daily schedule looked like this-- wake up naturally, go on a walk around Sand Hollow Resort around 8:30 am (It was sunny but freezing- we had to bundle up), eat a protein bar or shake.  Head to Swig or Fizz for a 44 oz drink.  Talk and laugh and talk some more.  Get ready for our day around noon.  Shopping or pedicure or afternoon movie followed by our ONE meal of the day at a restaurant that had a waiter-- no ordering and then sitting down-- these are our restaurant parameters.  NO cooking in the condo....we do enough of that at home, so we want to be served.  Head to Fizz or Swig to get our second drink of the day....Then home for more games, and documentaries on Netflix including:  Murder among the Mormons, Varsity Blues College celebrity scandal, The Gravediggers wife- Lori Vallows murdering her kids story, and Brittney Spears crazy. 
Cindy and Krystin don't hike...well Krystin doesn't hike, so that's not what we do when we are together.  The most hiking we got was leaning against the picture in the hallway.  
We shared our favorite things.  I took down a big MANGO scented bag with lotion and body wash, and cream, chapstick and sanitizer etc..  I got it from Gary and it's really awesome stuff.   Krystin handed out MAC lipstick, choco almond treats and her favorite tanning lotion.  Cindy went all out...she gave her favorite protein bar, tissue, protein drink, lipstick, perfume, kitchen cleaner, lemon sanitizer, spray bottle, fabric masks with a chain to keep it around your neck...her bag was endless.  We laughed a lot about this.  
Krystin taught us how important it is to surprise your flashing him.  So we did that.  Our. hubby's reactions were  sooo funnny.   She also talked us through many of her family's easy, favorite recipes.

Cindy taught us about the GAY song in the hymnbook..and now when I read the second verse...there is no denying it.  We laughed a lot.     

I brought all of the card games, and had to explain Skipbo, Cover your assets, 10-2-8 Oh Crap SOO MANY TIMES, it was ridiculous.  And I still didn't win.  I also taught about the ENNEAGRAM... and it was good to see and discuss everyone's personality, and aim for understanding.  Krystin is a 1/8 -- perfectionist and challenger.  Cindy is a 7/9. Enthusiast and Peacemaker.  I am a 7/8.  Enthusiast and challenger.  The test is just the first step-- then you need to read about the types and see where you identify the most.  

Cindy's  Enneagram results

Krystin's Enneagram results

Melinda's Enneagram results
Reception March 21, 1983. Krystin, Melinda, Marcie, Cindy
We came home on my 38th anniversary.   It was fun to pull up this pic from that day 38 years ago and see how much we have all changed.  I love this pic because Marcie had just had a baby and Krystin and Cindy are atleast 6 months pregnant with babies, so I'm feeling pretty smug and skinny on my wedding day.  I wore my mom's ( and Aunt Dar and Aunt Lynette) wedding dress and we had to take out the seams for me to squeeze into it.  

We are glad Krystin drove...and I didn't have to use my green tractor.

I love these cousins so much.  We have gone through almost 59 years of life together.  


Thursday, March 11, 2021

10 questions to ask at the end of a Global Pandemic

 As we are coming to the end of our Global Pandemic...I'm reflecting.  It's what I do.  I have had my vaccine so has Wayne and Laila and Truman and many other friends and extended family members, and things are starting to open up more.  The Utah Governor predicts by April every one who wants to can get vaccinated and by July 4th we will be FREE atlast!

10 Questions to ask at the end of a Global Pandemic:

1.What was life like one year ago today?  I was on a cousin's trip with Krystin and Cindy.  We went to Krystin's condo at Sand Hollow and messed around, we made funny corona virus videos -- mocking the fear around it.  Wayne was sending me crazy videos of people racing for toilet paper at Costco and shortages of water bottles. SO much fear around it. We attended a concert at Tuacahn--the  last concert  held there, with Air Supply and sang our guts out.  

2.  What has been the biggest change in the last year?  We have all been at home more than not.  I missed the connection with my people.  For many months it was just me and Wayne and Laila... Laila had to finish school which was really hard for her.  She went into a big depression and didn't want to get out of bed.  She quit many of her classes.  I already work at home so my work didn't change.  We carried on with our online school.  Wayne came home for a few weeks and didn't work at his paid for office.  Wayne's work change drastically.

3. What were your coping mechanisms?   I watched a ton of tv/ Netflix so many series and movies and just numbed out with that.  I couldn't go to movies in a movie theater...which I would do most every weekend, so Netflix filled that gap.  If it's out there, I've seen it.    I ate a lot of food...then stopped and reined it in.   In June and lost 20 lbs.    

4.  What did connection in relationships look like?   Did many zoom meetings.  Zoom family night game night with my kids.  Weekly Zoom call with my Sunseeker friends.  Church went home...and I missed meeting with people at church so much.    Missed going to lunch with a friend every week.  I love lunch!  Missed going to Wanee's home for quite a bit.  We got creative and sat outside, far apart with masks on.  

5.   What will you remember most?  How church changed.   We went home with Wayne blessing the sacrament for me and Laila and him...and we had a little Come Follow me Message.. Then when we got back to church we all had masks on and had to sit apart from each other.  We sat on every other bench and could only sit by people you live with....well in a YSA ward that was a lot of single sitters.   Weird to see so many masked people.  Had to figure out the sacrament without touching everything, so the bread went into cups and you would take the cup, then when the water came around you would drink the water then put both cups in a separate tray.    

6. What was biggest challenge?  Wayne's work and no money coming in.  Wayne imports from CHINA.   He imports mostly restaurant supply.  So China closed down and restaurants closed all of that.   There was a lot of worry and wondering what to do.  Wayne pivoted in May and started bringing in masks... which helped for a few months, then everyone was bringing them in, and restaurants opened a little bit,  but not full service.  Sales dropped dramatically.  We were just glad I had my teaching job.   Another challenge was Truman's mental health in Oregon.

7.  Name a beautiful memory from last year.    I loved setting up and delivering on Laila's Prom night.  It looked magical and Laila and Max were very appreciative, even if the night was FREEZING!.   

8.  What do you believe now that you didn't a year ago?  This year has been a crash course on racism and black lives matter.  Understanding bias and prejudice, bigotry and racism.  So much to learn and so much to try and understand and then work in my circle of influence to move the cause forward.  

9. What would you do differently next time?  Maybe not another pandemic, but when the world shifts.  I would continue to lean on my Jesus and work on thoughts around God's in charge, we are all in this together.   Give myself and others more Grace around all of this.

10.  What will you carry forward from this time?  How important hugs are to me.  I understand how important connection is and spending actual physical TIME with family and friends.   How important actually attending church with like-minded saints is to me... not in the sit apart wear masks kind of way...but in the let's greet and hug each other and share our lives and our testimonies.  

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Green Dinner

 We celebrated March in our year of Awesome with our Green Dinner and everyone had to wear green.  Sophia wore the most green with 10 items. She put a green sock under her hat just incase she needed it to have the most green.  She's a hoot.   Papa Wayne gave out green dollar bills to all of the grands who wore a lot of green!   

We served Green enchiladas,  guacamole, green salad, (corn) , chips and salsa...and green lime cake with green whip cream for dessert.  Bre also made green lucky charm filled macaroons.  
As part of our Green dinner we had every family gather food to donate to kids for their spring break.  These are kids who rely on school breakfast and school lunch for their meals, so when school goes on Spring Break they are out of luck.  A wonderful organization called, organizes and delivers all of this to Title 1 schools and kids in need.   Our grands had a good time shopping and  picking out cereal and cookies to give to these school kids. 

Alf and Poppy shopping for food for kids.

Landon taking Sophia and Andrew out for our service project.

It was a two green thumbs up for all of us!     I am very lucky to have a family who likes to gather and laugh and do silly things with me.  I am not just lucky, I am blessed. 

Donut Falls

Donut Falls with my winter hiking people was awesome.  We had talked about it all winter, and finally March 6th we did it.  There was still snow but it was melting quick.    When I put my snow cleats on my boots I feel invincible.  I'm like a mountain goat and I can climb up anything and not be afraid of slipping.  

We dragged up selds so we could slide all the way back down.  It was so fun.  On some of the hill portions, we took turns and did it numerous times.  
to see the falls you have to climb down inside a snow cave then it opens up to a cavern with the water falling in.  IT was so gorgeous.  If it's really cold the falls actually sop and turn into an ice chandelier.

Linda brought up donuts so we could eat donuts at Donut falls.  It was a celebration of white powder donuts in the white powder snow.  



Wednesday, March 3, 2021

I love Rainbows

I love rainbows.  

I used to just see them as a beautiful finale to a good rainstorm.   OR as something that led to a leprechaun's pot of gold at St. Patrick's time.

Now I see them as so much more.  

Rainbows remind me that there is more than black and white in our world... there is a full spectrum of color in between.  Thus rainbows help me to be diversified in my thinking; to enjoy living in nuance and paradox; to move into curiosity and compassion and away from judgment.  

Rainbows help me to look for ways to color my life.  To open my eyes to the world and people around me.  I try to notice nature more. I try to make eye contact and smile and engage more often with others.  

Rainbows help me to be courageous — to be bold and fearless in my convictions.  

Rainbows are reminders to be hopeful and to stay positive.

Rainbows remind me to enjoy this journey. 

Rainbows remind me to keep my baptismal covenants to bear one another's burdens and mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort.  

I love that a rainbow is also a symbol for the LGBTQ community.  

A rainbow means I stand with my LGBT brothers and sisters. It means I'm on my own children's side even when parts of our black and white world are against them. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Because she can

 Laila is growing up.  I know this, but it came back into bell-clanging reality when she announced, " I just got my airplane ticket to fly to North Carolina to see my marine." 

She didn't ask permission.

She didn't ask for help.

She just announced. 

What do I do with that?  

Laila is 19 years old now, but only out of high school for 8 months, and she feels "high-schooly" to me still.   It seems like she should be asking permission, she should be asking for help, she should want to talk things through with me and get my reactions and my opinions.  

But she doesn't.  

She wants to prove she's grown up and can make her own decisions and spend her own money and do her own thing.

And she can.  And she does.  

And I love her and there's nothing she can do about it. 

Sometimes I wish we liked more of the same things.  

I ask her to go get a pedicure.  She says no most of the time.  I ask her to go shopping with me.  She says no thanks.  I ask her to go to church.  She says maybe.  I ask her to go see a rom-com movie with me.  She says she doesn't like that kind.  I ask her to clean up after her dog.  She does it on her time.   The good news is she doesn't need to say yes to any of this for me to love her.  

I just get to love.  

And I know she loves me right back. 

She's my last born.  She's the one keeping my toe in the teenage years.... for ten more months anyway.... and then maybe she'll marry her marine.  Hopefully, I will know about this BEFORE it actually happens.