Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Memorial weekend we did all of the usual things.  Sunday night 1/2 of the Welch family gathered at the Farmington Cemetery to talk about and remember Tom Welch.   We tell stories and always bring creamies-- since he loved ice cream so much.  We always sing, "Love at Home."  In the picture we were missing 15 of the people who were playing with the kids at the park...but we took a picture anyway.  Most of Terry's family was in attendance.  Brad and Natalie from Sandy's family.  Amy and Kimberly's family with Jane and Steve  and Monson and girls with Wayne and I.  Plus Wanee and Holly.   Many family members were out of town this weekend.

Monday we headed to the Lakeview Cemetery where my  Parents, Marcie, and Grandparents are buried and where Preston will also be innurned.  
I had one Mom memory book that wasn't packed away because we are trying to sell our house, so I took it to the cemetery and we read and shared some stories about her.  We sing "Once I went in Swimming" to honor my dad and eat snickers and choco chip cookies, and we sing Love One Another for my Grandparents and my mom.   It's nice to be outside and to remember.

Also on Memorial day we went to a movie-- the Little Mermaid at Station Park.  Rosalinda went with us. 

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Sayings of my people

These are FLAGS...some people call them Irises-- not my family.  My dad always called them flags, so now every time I see one, that's what I say in my head.  We had Flags growing in our yard just to have them ready for Memorial day to get put on every family member's gravestone.  


 Posture was a big deal in my home when I was growing up.  My parents said time and time again, "Straight and Tall"--or "S and T" and we knew to work on our posture, not to slump, to pull our shoulders back and boobs out, and to look up. 

We would go on a walk and we would hear "S and T."

We would be sitting, slumping in church and we would hear "S and T."

We would be gathering for a picture and we would hear "S and T."


Our George Sharkey always stands when he greets someone.  He's in his 80's and he will still struggle to his feet and if you say, "Don't get up."  He responds with, "I always stand for Royalty!" 


My dad had two scriptures that he frequently trotted out.

When he was pouring us water or dishing us up food he would always quote, Matthew 23:11 - "He who is the greatest among you, let him be your servant."


When we were the only ones at my grandparent's home, he would look around and quote, Mark 14:7 - "...the poor are always with you."

It makes me chuckle still to think on this and I can hear his voice and twinkle in his eye.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Tru and Twain

 Truman surprised me this Christmas with an invitation to a concert.  SHANIA TWAIN - which he says is the soundtrack of his youth every time he got in his dad's truck.   Tru and I had a great time, singing out guts out to the oldies...Man I Feel like a Woman, Forever and For Always, From this Moment, You're still the one, That Don't Impress me Much, Any Man of Mine, ...   Tru got us great seats, and spent on a premium parking lot pass that made parking and leaving USANA delightful.  He thought of everything.  He said, "I love pretending like I'm rich!"

 I like how Shania is cross-cultural and cross-age groups..  She's not just country, she's pop.  She's been around since the 90's-- and has a resurgence in her career and with songs for the younger set, so all age groups were there.  

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Butter's Cousins

 We gathered at Morleys for a cousin's party.  We used to have these all the time when we were all freshly married and had little kids.  These parties were EPIC!   So we got together to catch up and it was good.

1st row:  John and Amy Butters Ashword, Ashley Butters and Wyatt Penrod. Melinda, Gary Call, Angela Brown

2nd row: Heidi Colwell, Jenny and Brent Fulton, Colen and Cindy Sweeten, Adam and Christine Cole, Paisley and Craig Callister, Mike and Krystin Morley, Gunnar Poulter, Guy Brown

Monday, May 22, 2023

I Dance

Mom always said. “I dance. “ She said it not to remind us of her long careered history in dance and choreography, she said it as a reminder to herself not to fall into comparison. When others around her were apparently better at cooking or gardening or businessing or churching or whatever, she would lovingly remind herself of her own talents.  We gotta leave some things for other people to be good at.  Sometimes not being good at something is a great act of generosity. 

My mom worked on herself then shared herself with all of us. What a gift. I believe this is the way. We become more compassionate and curious about ourselves then this same compassion and curiosity extends to our kids, spouses, friends, neighbors, and the world.

Dancing with the Wii - Mom, Bre, Holly and Laila

Mom never let us get away with saying “I can’t.”She always said that “can’t” was a 4 letter swear word. She would remind us to say, “I’m not able to at this time, but I’ll keep trying.” ( And side note: my mom said her share of swear words. Her favorite was sh*%. When she was called on it by our lil sister Angela and have to put $ in the swear jar she would say, “If you can’t say something nice, atleast say something soft and warm.” But I digress.)

I’m so grateful for a yes-you-can-mom who stayed out of comparison, talked nice to herself and reached out with compassion and curiosity to all. She helped herself which then showed us the way.

Plus she had a
License plate surround that proclaimed, “Damn I’m good. “.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother's Day


.......................YOU RAISE ME UP....SO I CAN STAND ON MOUNTAINS.......

I love being a mom, a Mother in law and a Meema!  These people continue to be my everything.   We gathered for a grilled burger thx to Wayne, salads, fruit, chips and strawberry shortcake for dessert.  I got my "Picture with the QUEEN" that I demand from my kids and grands.  I love this tradition...they tolerate it.   THE ones that couldn't be here today I got a screen shot with.  George was not having it, after a battle I had Addison hold him for me.   I always say to have a great Mother's Day you need to Lower your expectations and raise your gratitude..and I'm grateful for all of this.  

Wayne's Mother's Day talk 2023

When our daughter Laila was little she had a hard time making the th sound.  She would always replace the th sound with a fuh or vuh sound.  This made it interesting since her best friends name was Heaver Kofford.  One night Melinda was working on this with Laila trying to get her to say mother instead of muhver.  After what seemed to Laila like an eternity of failure and endless attempts that continued to come out as muver, she finally said, I decided Im just going to call you mom!”

I recognize that there are women here today who love Mother’s Day, and women who dread  Mother’s Day. There may be some of you who stayed home and are watching on Zoom so you didn’t have to face others and wonder if they were looking for a certain reaction from you. Mother's day can be difficult for many women for a variety of reasons.  This may come from unreasonable expectations of motherhood and Mothers Day – It may come from beating yourself  up for being imperfect. Infertility, death of a child, death of a mother, abusive parents, divorce, widows, being a single woman on Mothers Day. All of these things can be a reminder of pain for people.  I hope to address many of you this morning that fall in these categories.

I can think of one thing that may be as difficult as Mother’s Day can be for many women and that is being asked to speak on Mothers Day – Its sort of like being asked to walk through a minefield.

It is not my intent to diminish the reality of the pain or guilt that many may feel on Mothers Day, but perhaps as we reframe our thoughts around this day, some of that pain and guilt can be taken away and turned in to love and joy.

Melinda has always said regarding Mothers Day, lower your expectations and raise your gratitude.  You cant control what anyone else does or says, so ask yourself, How do I want to show up? She says, Mothers Day is never about me.  It is always about my mom and Waynes mom.

What if the purpose of Mothers Day is not to receive honor but to give honor?  One of the commandments is to honor thy Mother… And one of the things that everyone in this congregation has in common is that we have a mother.  Honoring our mother may be easy and come natural for many of us, but what of those that didnt have a great mother?  Can we still obey this commandment if that is the case?  It may be difficult, but I believe that it is possible by doing the following things –

Love them - The Lord said I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, … For if ye love only them which love you, what reward have ye?”

Love for a hurtful parent doesnt come from our own abilities, but through the grace and atonement of Jesus Christ.

Forgive them -The Lord also said I the Lord will forgive whom I will forgive, But of you it is required to forgive all men.” Forgiving doesnt mean that we  have to put ourselves in an abusive or unsafe situation, or even that we have to spend time with the individual - but that we let go of the hurt and resentment and turn it over to the Savior to heal our heart. 

Pray for them – Again the Lord said,”  Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”

I spoke to a mother this past week who told me that she did not have a good mother - she has never felt motherly love from her mom – who is still living.  She did say that she has felt motherly love from other women who have blessed her life. She called this compensatory blessings or compensatory relationships that she has been blessed to have with other women because she didnt have them with her mother.

This idea that we can have this type of relationship with someone who is not literally our mother was taught by the Savior. While He was talking to a group of people who had seen Him heal on the Sabbath, and to whom He had proclaimed that He was the Lord of the Sabbath, Matthew tells us,  “Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? And who are my brethren?

And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” And what is the will of the Father? That we love God and love our neighbor.  That we mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort.

This sister I was speaking with said that one way she can honor her mother is by being an honorable person herself– by keeping her covenants, and being the best person she can. As we talked about her experiences and how she has dealt with them I thought of what a great mother she is and of her 4 awesome children who are all grown and love her dearly.  She could have just been the same kind of mother that she had, but she chose a different path. She said she always wanted to be a better mother - she just didnt know how to do it, but that God will make us equal to what our desires are. By living the gospel and keeping her covenants I believe she has accomplished what Isaiah described as follows: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.”

I believe another way we can increase the joy we feel on Mothers Day is to remember who we truly are.  It is vitally important to our spiritual survival that we remember our eternal identity – regardless of which of the categories I mentioned earlier we may be a part of. Our eternal identity is  beautifully stated in the Young Womens theme: I am a beloved daughter of heavenly parents, with a divine nature and eternal destiny”.  We are children of heavenly parents – 

As Boyd K. Packer said – You are a child of God. He is the father of your spirit. Spiritually you are of noble birth, the offspring of the King of Heaven. Fix that truth in your mind and hold to it. However many generations in your mortal ancestry, no matter what race or people you represent, the pedigree of your spirit can be written on a single line. You are a child of God!”

With apologies to Elder Packer, I would like to restate that with with a few added thoughts I believe are backed by doctrine.

You are a child of Heavenly Parents. (That is certainly doctrine as recited by the YW every week) They are the father and mother of your spirit. (President Spencer W. Kimball said,God is your father. He loves you. He and your mother in heaven value you beyond any measure. They gave your eternal intelligence spirit form, just as your earthly mother and father have given you a mortal body. You are unique. One of a kind, made of the eternal intelligence which gives you claim upon eternal life.)

Spiritually you are of noble birth, the offspring of the King and Queen of Heaven. Fix that truth in your mind and hold to it. However many generations in your mortal ancestry, no matter what race or people you represent, the pedigree of your spirit can be written on a single line. You are a child of Heavenly Parents!”

Laila also understood this divine heritage at a young age.  Our son Landon asked Laila if he was her favorite. She scrunched her face up and said, well, kind of…on this earth.”  Landon asked her what she meant.  Well,” she said, My favorite is God.”  Then Landon said, well what about being your favorite brother?” And she said, No” and pointed up…”Jesus is!”

To those who may feel like they are not great mothers.  My mom reminds me that mothers are not perfect – they are just doing the best they know how.  Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was highly favored and blessed among women, lost her son for 3 days!

When a sister in our stake found out I was speaking on Mother’s Day she told me that the one thing she didn’t want to hear anything about was a perfect mother - even if my mother was one.  But we all do have a perfect Mother - in Heaven, and I think its appropriate to speak of her on mothers Day.  Let me just  share what we do know about Heavenly Mother which is contained in the Churches Gospel Topics Essays, and the words of other General Authorities of the church.

The doctrine of a Heavenly Mother is a cherished and distinctive belief among Latter-day Saints

Susa Young Gates, a prominent leader in the Church, wrote in 1920 that Joseph Smiths visions and teachings revealed the truth that the divine Mother, [is] side by side with the divine Father.”

Prophets have taught that our heavenly parents work together for the salvation of the human family. We are part of a divine plan designed by Heavenly Parents who love us,” taught Elder M. Russell Ballard.  President Harold B. Lee stated, Sometimes we think the whole job is up to us, forgetful that there are loved ones beyond our sight who are thinking about us and our children. We forget that we have a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother who are even more concerned, probably, than our earthly father and mother, and that influences from beyond are constantly working to try to help us when we do all we can.” (What a  comfort that is to parents who are worried about how they can help and influence their children and grand children).

Elder John A. Widtsoe said,The glorious vision of life hereafter . . . is given radiant warmth by the thought that . . . [we have] a mother who possesses the attributes of Godhood.”

This is echoed by Elder James E. Talmage We . . . [are] literally the sons and daughters of divine parents, the spiritual progeny of God our Eternal Father, and of our God Mother.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks  said, Our theology begins with heavenly parents. Our highest aspiration is to be like them.”

There it is – our career path – our highest aspiration is for men to become like Heavenly Father and women to become like Heavenly Mother. 

How do we do that if we feel like we dont fit the mold – like our circumstances are different or that we are not good enough.

In the accounts of the New Testament Jesus seemed to go to great lengths to reach out to all kinds of women in their varied circumstances and call them to His work. There we read of His dealings with women who would otherwise be on the outside of things—the two single sisters who wanted to be disciples (Mary and Martha), a Samaritan woman who had been married five times, a woman caught in the act of adultery, a widow grieving the death of her only son (Known as the widow of Nain), Joanna, a woman whose husband was steward to the wicked political king trying to take the place that rightfully belonged to Jesus, an, ordinary mother who served food in the background and was rarely noticed (Peters mother-in-law). To every one of them Jesus basically says: Come, choose the better part and follow me. My gospel is for people just like you.”

Why would the Savior spend so much time with women who at His time were considered second-class citizens.  Women were not allowed in the synagogue.  They were not allowed to touch the scriptures.  It was not socially acceptable to address women in public. Jesus was revolutionary in this respect. I believe he was teaching us how to treat women, and how important they are to our Heavenly Parents, and that we can learn so much from them.

Jesus spent the majority of his ministry in the north in the area of Galilee.  There, many of these women, (specifically named are Mary, Joanna and Susanna, and, Luke says, many others) were not only with him but ministered unto Him of their substance.  It seems they helped finance His ministry. Many of these women were probably single which is what allowed them to follow the savior.

As these women accompanied Christ in Galilee, they likely heard many of His sermons, listened to His parables, and witnessed miracles such as the healing of the woman with an issue of blood and the woman who had had an infirmity for 18 years (see Luke 8:43–48; 13:11–13). They were probably present at the feeding of the 5,000 and many other miracles (see Luke 9:12–17; 14:1–4). As Christs Galilean ministry drew to a close, some of these women followed Him on a weeklong journey to Jerusalem (see Matthew 27:55–56).

In addition to these incidents in His ministry, it is noteworthy that women were the last ones at the cross, when all of the male disciples, except John, forsook their Master and fled. 

Given the danger they faced from the Jewish authorities or the Romans, you would have thought that these women would have prepared to quickly leave town. Instead, they prepared spices for Christs body (see Luke 24:21). Even though their future was uncertain, they remained close to where Jesus was.

There is a great lesson there. Thinking about the Saturday after the crucifixion, when its Saturday in our life, how do we react? When we are somewhere between yesterdays unthinkable tragedy and tomorrows glorious triumph, what do we do? Do we leave God—or do we linger near him? These women teach us to stay close to Jesus, even and especially in difficult times.

They were the first ones at the tomb. It was a woman whom Jesus chose to be the first witness to His resurrection. Mary Magdalene was the surprised recipient of this great privilege, (recorded in Luke 24:1–10). He then commissioned her to testify to its truth. The rabbis did not believe women were reliable witnesses. Jesus thought otherwise.

Have you ever found yourself saying something and then thinking, that sounded just like my mom or just like my dad?”  My son Addison told me that he tells his kids every day that they are Eagles and they need to fly above the turkeys.” He heard this every morning from Melinda as he walked out the door to school.   He also says frequently that people are more important than things,” Which he heard constantly from his mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. 

Abraham Lincoln said All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother"

If the Savior received his attributes and characteristics from his parents, I often wonder to myself if those characteristics came from and were developed by his Heavenly Parents.  Which attributes came from which parent? This is just the musings, but like us hearing and repeating things our parents have said, I like to ponder which words of Jesus he may have heard from one of his parents.

Think about the Christlike attributes of faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, and diligence” (D&C 4:6)”   I would suggest that these characteristics embodied in our perfect savior, are characteristics that all of us, male and female should be developing.  The Savior said, how oft have I gathered you as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and have nourished you.”

How would the Savior nourish you women this mothers Day? I think He would throw His arms around you and let you know you are worthy enough to keep going and that your sacrifices have been acceptable before Him. Single women, divorced women, those who may think that they dont measure up or that their kids dont measure up.  He would say he loves you where you are right now , and that he also has many more blessings in store for you as you follow Him. He would tell you He is preparing for you all that is in your hearts, things you have not spoken to anyone that only He could know. I think He would say he knows your pains and struggles and insecurities. He would say that He sees you and your quiet selfless service, that you are not invisible to Him. He would ask of you the same thing He asked Peter: Lovest thou me? … And to your response he would say Feed my lambs. … Feed my sheep

May I suggest one way we can feed his sheep and lambs today? A way to honor our Heavenly Parents on this Mother’s Day?  Possibly even right now? This applies to everyone here - not just the women. 

In my YSA Ward – a couple of times a year I would stand up at the end of sacrament meeting and ask everyone to pull out their phones – Then I would tell them I wanted them to send me a text that said one of 2 things.  Either – Things are good or can we talk?  Im not going to ask you to text one of those two things right now to Bishop Smith (although it might not be a bad idea), but I would like to challenge you to pull out your phone and send a text to a woman who has had an influence in your life – Let her know you appreciate her influence and example. Let her know that you love her.

Let me speak just a little further to a few of you that may be worried about what is going on in your lives.  Single sisters – you are enough – you are not less than or valued less than someone who is married or has children. The same goes for those who are, divorced, widowed or a part of any of the categories I previously mentioned.  


Those who feel they are less than because their children are scattered somewhere else on the path – you are not defined by your childrens choices.  Continue to love them, pray for them, and be an example of authentically living the Gospel of Jesus Christ with joy. They have the same Savior that you and I do – One who knows them and loves them perfectly, and who has said that His work and His glory is to bring to pass the immortality AND eternal life of man - And as Elder Patrick Kearon reminded us, that is his mission and He is really good at it. In fact He is perfect at it.

I echo the words of Eliza R. Snow that we know so well:

When I leave this frail existence,

When I lay this mortal by,

Father, Mother, may I meet you in  your royal courts on high?

Then at length, when Ive completed,

All you sent me forth to do.

With your mutual approbation,

Let me come and dwell with you.


Beautiful words and thoughts. I love what Elder Glenn L. Place said as he added to this inspired teaching:

 Sisters, I testify that when you stand in front of your heavenly parents in those royal courts on high and you look into Her eyes and behold Her countenance, any question you ever had about the role of women in the kingdom will evaporate into the rich celestial air, because at that moment you will see standing directly in front of you, your divine nature and destiny.” 

I testify that we are indeed children of Heavenly Parents, and that this is our divine nature and destiny- to become like them.