Friday, April 19, 2019

Emotional Eating

Hello, I'm Melinda and I am an emotional eater.

I was looking back from what I wrote on my blog over ten years ago and it's all about my weight journey and  my emotions surrounding it.  In fact, when I started blogging in 2008, my blog was called "Sick of Chub" because I was and I still am.

I can will power my self through "healthy eating" for a couple of weeks or months, but then I'm tired of white knuckling it and that chocolate chip cookie is calling me and my day is ________ so I eat.

I am grieving my people's I eat.

I get I eat.

I have a transition from computer work to Laila coming I eat.
transition from school work to life coach school work... so I eat.

I am studying something I eat.

I'm watching grandkids and they are eating.... so I eat.

I'm gearing up for housework or yard I eat.

I'm trying something I don't know how to  eat.

I'm I eat.

I'm I eat.

I'm I eat.

Ten years ago I was devastated that I was at 162 pounds and wrote a whole treatise about it.

Ten years later, after roller coaster weight loss of as low as 140 pounds and weight gain as high as 183 pounds I'm still at 162. 

Here's what I know.  It's not about me taking pills, eating bars, or using my will power.  It's not about me being on a diet plan or drinking smoothies, or eating keto-style. 

It's about me being an  emotional eater.

This is good news.  Knowledge is power.  I'm in charge of all of this.

I have power over my emotions because my thoughts create my emotions.

I can choose to think what ever I want.  I am the thinker of my thoughts.  My thoughts are just sentences in my head.  I can choose the ones that serve me BEST!

Emotional eating-- you are going down!

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