Sunday, June 21, 2020

Take a stand!

It's Pride month where I'm usually all about talking about, posting about, sharing ideas for how to lift and love our LGBTQ people...and then I got inspired to put on an anti-racist rally to support and recognize Black lives matter and that racism is still rampant in our society....and then Laila had vulgar and crude racial slurs aimed at her just two days ago....and there are so many issues that I feel passionate about.  

So many marginalized groups that need policy change and hearts to change in our society. 

BUT really my battles are all about the same thing.  
They all represent one issue- the dignity and rights of human beings.

As long as some are still being beaten up for who they are on the playground, I'm taking a stand!

I care and I'm talking about it no matter how awkward the conversation.  


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