Sunday, June 14, 2020

BLM rally

This week I went into a Black Lives Matter rally in SLC with my friend Michelle Wood, and on our return, we said we needed to do something here in we are Next Friday, June 19th. We got a quick committee together, (Emilee Belnap Dahl, Maddi Belnap, Rachel Simmons Oberg, Michelle and Ari Wood and myself) got permits from Bountiful City and we are holding a family-friendly rally with sign making, motivational speaker, and march. We received donations of money, time, and equipment to make it all happen. We named ourselves Friends of Justice and our motto is Anti-racism starts at Home. ( Addison did the artwork for us) We want our next generation to know that if something is wrong in our community we have the right to protest and have our voices heard in an effort to fix it. Our purpose is to encourage community support of anti-racism, provide resources to learn about how to combat racism starting at home, and to demonstrate community unity in these efforts. We will probably say and do a lot of things wrong here, but at least we are trying to do something to change the narrative.

I’m proud of the millennials in my life and on my committee-- they are so much more inclusive than my generation. So many my age keep posting All Lives Matter--- not even trying to understand the issue. Yes, All lives matter-- your life has always mattered. Black lives have not. Remember??? Jesus left the 99 sheep to go in search of and help the 1 sheep - who’s life was in danger!!! 

We are our brothers keeper!

What I don’t understand is why some people believe that if you say black lives matter, it means you don’t support the police. It’s a BOTH /AND. ( Although I do believe that we need police reform-  cop cameras that don't turn off, more  $ to education and psych evaluations, and less $ toward tear gas and military-grade weapons. )

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1 comment:

peggy said...

I learn so much from you. Thanks.