Sunday, June 28, 2020

Are you Right or Left?

It seems to me that CNN and FOX News are what's tearing our country apart.

My friend Jerry wrote..."The worst "virus" that is being spread right now is the virus of non-critical thinking. I had no idea how lazy people's brains have become and how easily swayed people are becoming. I scroll through Facebook from time to time and my jaw is on the floor at the ridiculousness of the positions people take. And yes, I do realize that it's ironic that I'm creating an "us vs them" even in this post. Us = those who think rationally and don't jump to the most dramatic conclusion first. Them = those who cherry-pick data, catastrophize every scenario, spout "slippery slope" logical fallacies about the problems and who cling to their own confirmation bias despite the paucity of evidence.

 It seems that the most endangered species is the pragmatic centrist who wants workable solutions to challenging problems instead of emotional and vitriolic rhetoric"

I agree with him.  
Our country is missing the CENTRISTS... people who want to reach across the aisle and come up with solutions instead of staying in their "camp" and not even trying to understand the other side.   

I want a good Statesman in politics...someone who is able to listen, learn and come up with answers and changes in policy to challenging problems.   

We must educate ourselves in a way that’s fair, equal and balanced. Don’t get your news from Facebook or from one single source. You will be living in a bubble. If FOX News says one thing and CNN says the opposite. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Curiosity and compassion instead of judgment (us against them) works better every time.
I listen to BBC or NPR --both are less biased.

I shake my head that not every white person understands that they were automatically born with white privilege.  So many refuse to even try to understand that the color of their skin does not make their day harder.... it does for my black friends and for my daughter.  That's called white privilege.  It has nothing to do with how hard you had to work to get what you have or how many jobs you have to work to make ends meet now.     It's just that you were born higher up the social justice ladder because of how our society is set up.  It doesn't make it right.  It just is. 

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