Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The COUSINS take New York!

 Well our first and hopefully annual cousins trip has come to an end. Krystin, Cindy and I had a grand time living it up in NYC. It worked out splendidly. We packed a lot in each day, hit the bed at night totally exhausted and went hard again the next day.

Krystin- funny, quick witted, well traveled, loyal, a great story teller, loves to name brand shop but  hates to hike

Cindy- genuine, silly, accepting, a great listener, game for anything, hasn’t done much travel wise, loves to bargain shop, loves to hike.

I fall somewhere in between these two.

Marcie would have been on this trip with us.....and she was in spirit. I carried around a Coach purse in her honor.

Times Square and Stardust Diner and FREEZING
We lay in our hotel bed laughing each night and put together our favorites from each day.
March 6:
1-Ellen’s Stardust Diner 
2-Times square first time for Cindy- disappointing New Years Ball, 
3- Airlight was straight through! 
4-Stinking, bitter cold weather - we are bundling up in both coats and added scarves.
5-Airport worker who is “over the royal family” 
6-Waiter at Stardust who sang “Mandy” to the astonished woman and threw straws at her.
7-Dance party at Footlocker with Melinda and Cindy while Krystin shopped.
8-Piling all three of us in a revolving door.- we did this every time we came to one. 
9- Learning the waterfall card game - laughing and drinking Diet Coke
Subway cards, 9-11 museum, getting scanned for the One World Trade Center
Searching for Statue of Liberty-- so many options

1 World Trade Center View

China Town for purses and Little Italy for Food

March 7
1- Chinese Stalker-  too our picture then sent video of Me at One World Trade Center
2-Boober guy who tried to get us into his car for $15.00 - uber or taxi or sex trafficker? 
3-Statue of Liberty "God Bless America" song on the Ferry 
4-insomnia cookie -S’mores was the best!
5-9/11 museum 
6-Purses in China town -down back alleys with look outs 
7- Dear Evan Hansen- fabulous 
8- Managing schedules and subway perfectly with little or no lines.
9-Laughing and singing throughout  the day 
10- our dares: pole dancing Cindy, hat wearing Krystin and mannequin mugging Melinda. 
Dear Evan Hansen,  Schmackery Cookies, Dares- a hat for Krystin and Mannequins for me.  

FAO Schwartz, NBC studios and St Pat Cathedral
 March 8
1- FAO Schwartz. Toy shopping- Melinda spent 40, Cindy 90 and Krystin 200+
2- NBC studio tour-Shocked how small Tonight show and SNL stages are. 
3- Mean Girls was fantastic! 
4- St Patrick’s cathedral
5- Ate dinner by ice skating rink at Rockefeller center
6- Krystin dropping all the $$$ at the designer stores
7- Bathroom monitor  at the theatre telling us to hurry up. “ I don’t hear flushing ladies !” 
8- Melinda did own talk show on the NBC tour 
Mean Girls, Theatre district, Saks 5th Ave, NBC tour

The Color Factory
 March 9
1.The Color factory. Stinking fun! Plus they give you treats all along the way: Mochi, candy, raspberry soda, meringues and sorbet
2. Ball pit!
3. Anastasia
4. Shake shack
5. Movie making on Times Square 
6.Revolving doors for three7.
7. Hiking Brooklyn Bridge
8. Saw lady Gaga’s yellow diamond from the Oscars 
9. Masks and girls just wanna have fun video 
The Color Factory
The Color Factory

The Color Factory

The Ball Pit

The Color Factory

Brooklyn Bridge
Graffiti, Central Park, Anastasia, packed in an uber with all of our bags
March 10
1- slept in til 9 am
2-Uber all day because of the rain and we were in dresses and didn’t want to be in the dirty subway anymore
3- Levain cookies
4- Temple/ church. Actually stake conference so we missed a lot of it
5- lunch at Atlantic Grill
6- Our only rainy windy bad weather day
Cindy, Melinda, Krystin masks.....we made funny videos with these faces!

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