Thursday, December 1, 2022

It's a Wonderful Life

 It's a Wonderful Life is one of my favorite Christmas movies.  I never watched it as a kid, or even a young married...  but as I get older it's a must see for me year after year.  It really does withstand the test of time as a beautiful love story.

I read a different slant on this movie years a go and I can't stop thinking about it.  So many of us watch this movie and see that George is the lead, the hero-- he is who the story is about-- BUT, is it really?  The movie starts off with MARY- George's wife - praying for GOD to be with George.  Her prayer is the catalyst for the angel, Clarence, being sent to George.  

Mary sees the beauty of the old broken down house.  

Mary offers her $2000 honeymoon money to the people of the town during the bank run.  

Mary makes it clear to George that she didn't want to marry anybody else in town.   

Mary is the one who goes all over town to ask for help for her husband.    

In the end of the movie when Uncle Billy says, "Mary did it George, Mary did it!"  Mary actually mouths, "no..." and shakes her head.  

It's the do good for others, and let others receive the credit attitude.  It's the love is the answer and love is the key attitude.  

In the end scene, Mary is right by George's side and then she is positioned over George's shoulder  while all of the people are dropping off money.  She's the one, along with God,  watching over her George all these years.  

It's a beautiful love story.  

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