Monday, November 22, 2021



We did our final Year of Awesome service.  We collected towels for the Salt Lake Rescue Mission...they always need bath towels and Andrew, Sophia and I took in 4 giant garbage bags filled with 100 towels!!  

Besides family, I had a lot of friends and ward members donate.

We walked through quite a bunch of homeless street people to get to the doors of the mission.  WE said, "Hi" to some, and some people said,  "Hi" to us.    

It's a blessing to serve and bonus... I had a good talk with Andrew and Sophia about what they felt and what they saw and how we can learn so much by this experience.


1.  These are people just like me. As we look at others who look so different than us it's good to put it in perspective.  This is a person who likes food just like me.  This is a person who takes showers and needs a towel, just like me.  This is a person who wants to stay warm, just like me....

2.  That "ooo" feeling you get walking among and helping these people is interesting.  Andrew describes it as I'm sad for you and I'm happy for me and I feel bad about's hard... it's dissonance.  Some of it doesn't make sense. 

3.  Addiction is sad and it can really take over your life and add to some bad decision making.

4.  Some people on the streets have mental illness and some have really bad luck.

5.  Family is important...having people around to help and support you.

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