Saturday, November 6, 2021

Uncle Lynn

 My favorite Uncle Lynn is in a care center.  He has ALS and is slowly deteriorating.  From the neck down nothing works, but from the neck up he is smart as a whip, a great rememberer, and continues to be funny and fun.  It was a pleasure visiting with him.  He has sold his home and is in a  new place, but he has brought much of his art and sculptures with him so it feels more like home.  It really looks amazing. 

Lynn is in all of my childhood memories.  It was always Lyle and Sheri and Lynn and Lynette.    He is in every summer holiday and every Christmas and New Years' memory for decades.  We always holidayed at Grandma Butters pool and it was always the Coles and the Poulters in attendance.   Every summer I had a cousin week at Krystin's house and Lynn was a big part of the fun.  

I love and cherish him so much.  

Moving out of his home was big for him and his ALS diagnosis is a difficult one looking ahead.  I'm just glad for the time being he's good.

Lynn has more money now with the sale of his home than he ever had in his whole life.  HE said it's crazy, when he needed money he didn't have it and now he's stuck in a care center he has ALL the money.  Ironic.  BUT he is doing something really great with this $.  HE's giving a lot of it away in small chunks.  Once a week he gets out for 2 hours and he has his helper help him give away $500 in envelopes to harried moms in Walmart.  OR he's paid off some of his caregivers debts.  HE is feeling like Santa Claus and loving it.  

He's such an inspiration.

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