Tuesday, November 3, 2020


I am Pro life— and I’m  NOT for the first time in my life voting  for the Republican or third party ticket.  

 I voted Reagan, Bush,  Perot, Dole,  Bush, Bush, McCain, Romney, McMullin and now….BIDEN.  

I was born with every advantage, and only realized in the past decade that so much of where I am today and what I have accomplished is a result of a system of privilege that rewards people like me.  I am voting for Biden because I want to live in a country that uses its economic resources to help everyone, especially the most vulnerable.  Regardless of the outcome of the election, I will be fine.  I’m voting for my friends and neighbors, and family on the margins who may not be.  

Some of the KINDEST people I know are closeted LDS democrats.   They stay silent except in the voting booth.  I was brought up being taught that being both a Christian and a Democrat was impossible, because Democrats are for abortion.  I now wholeheartedly reject this.

I am Pro-life.  I don’t agree with abortion. AND…..  I know that since Roe-v Wade all of my voting in Republican presidents have NEVER been able to get rid of abortion.  So WHY do we keep tying this issue to the election?  It definitely keeps Republicans voting republican for this ONE issue.   

I believe there are many ways to get rid of abortions- and making them illegal doesn’t keep them from happening.  It never has.  Sex education, FREE birth control, moral teaching… all of these things have been proven to help a lot more.  

So many pro- lifers are really just pro-birthers, because  they  also want to cut all of the social programs that would help the over 70% of the population that seek abortions— which are the poor and uneducated.    We can make abortion illegal and the rich and middle class will continue to find ways to  have them, and make their life work.   We like to continue to punish the poor by cutting social helps.  Then we like to say, “Well  if they would just work harder,  but they just don’t want to.  They bring this on themselves. They like being on welfare and having the government take care of them. “  We- middle America -  like saying this because it helps us to feel better about how things are.    There is a very small percentage that LOVE welfare. Most are trapped in their unrelenting circumstance.  There are a few outliers who break free so we only point to those to show that the poor just need to work harder.  

I also have come to know that abortion is not a something the Pres of the United States can do anything about.  It’s a Supreme Court issue.  It’s a God issue.  

To me, Pro-life cannot only meant anti-abortion.  It must include things like economic equality, access to affordable healthcare, advocacy for racial justice, paid family leave, ending the death penalty and criminal justice reform, meaningful policy change regarding the care of the earth and discrimination-free voting rights.  

Biden and the Democratic platform does not wholly represent my political perspective, but he’s my choice to bring civility back to the office of POTUS.

I am a Jesus- follower who seeks to love God and love my neighbor as myself.  

I am guided by my faith and seeking to live out that faith is how I treat others and how I want our country as a whole to treat others.

I am pro-life for ALL life.

I believe that LGBTQ lives matter.

I believe that black lives matter.

I believe that not only do black lives matter, but immigrant lives matter, disabled lives matter, and the lives of all those that are devalued and mistreated matter.  

I believe in American democracy.  

I believe in decency civility and kindness.  

I believe in honoring and valuing the sacrifice of military service members and the families.  

I believe in caring for God’s earth creation.

I believe in religious liberty for all religions and all peoples. ( not just mine)

I believe in helping the needy.  

I believe in rights for women.

I believe that racism exits.

I believe that we should tax the mega rich.

I support police and prison reform.

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