Monday, November 23, 2020


I believe in Angels. I'm reminded of this after studying E. Godoy's talk from Oct. 2020 General Conference. 

I’ve had big angel experiences and small ones. All are important and came when I needed them most.

An actual Angel jumped in front of my car while driving in Philadelphia. I was driving a van full of high school kids for the National debate tournament back in 2005– before Siri and google maps. We were driving back to our hotel on a Sunday evening from the Philadelphia Eagles stadium. I had taken the wrong exit and was now struggling to find the way back onto the freeway. I was driving slow, reading road signs and praying. Suddenly out of nowhere a beautiful, black Angel jumped in front of my car waving his arms. I slammed on my brakes, with out any fear rolled down my window and he said, “What are two white women ( Leann Hyer Davis high debate coach was in the passenger seat) doing in this neighborhood?  You don’t belong here. “ I explained what I did and he gave clear and concise directions to get me back on track. A smile and a wave and we were gone.  He was an absolute Angel, waving arms and all.  He was heaven sent.

Mostly my Angel experiences are smaller. My angels come in the form of kindnesses from strangers and loving friends and family who help me or say the right thing at the needed time. 

I know angels ushered my parents and Marcie to heaven. I felt them in their home and hospital bedside. I also know angels attended me and my siblings during these grieving times.  Angels dropped off food, and cleaned, and listened and prayed and took care of us. 

I know angels helped navigate our path in adoption. 

I know my special needs sis-in-law Holly is an Angel. She speaks to heaven and relays messages of love from my mom and dad to me. 

I know angels helped minister to Laila and I at Primary children’s hospital when she had her cracked skull and Wayne was stuck in China. 

I know angels got me through from being a struggling momma into a proud LGBTQ momma bear.

I know angels helped Wayne and I  through hard financial times. 

I know angels took us in to friend groups and biking groups and loved and cheered us. 

I know angels made it possible for the Belnaps, Welches and Farleys  to get home from China when Laura was in a horrible motorcycle accident. 

I know we have a YSA angel, McKay who blesses all of us with this light. He ministers the sacrament patiently and carefully because of his poor vision. It’s really a sweet sight, and  a special feeling when he’s at the  sacrament table.  

I know angles helped lift Landon out of a car accident in the middle of nowhere as he traveled to Lake Powell. The car was totaled and Landon didn't have a scratch on him.

I know angels got my kids into their homes and worked miracles so their finances worked out.

I know our Scottish angels help Laila feel loved, worthy and valued from across the pond.

I know angels got Truman back to Utah… a place he never thought he would return to. 

My mom would always say, “let me get my angels on that” when I presented a worry or a problem. I know this happened. And I know we can call on our angels as well.

Whether in dramatic ways or simple ways, Angels have blessed and I know will continue to bless my life. I’m grateful for angels. 

I love this quote from Elder Jeffery R. Holland:
 "We are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil.
 Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. 
Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods.
 Some of them gave birth to us...Indeed heaven never seems closer
 than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and 
devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the

 only word that comes to mind."

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