Sunday, November 8, 2020

New President!

We have been celebrating around here… 4 days after election day we have Joe Biden announced as the next President of the United States. The Trump years have come to an end!!! I’m excited to be rid of our leader who tweets and talks racism, sexism, and homophobia with so much vitriol. (This isn’t something that’s ”fake news” or reported by the “biased press”, it’s in his over 4000+ tweets!) I get that he also did some good things….but it’s been hard to preach to my grandkids and kids that character matters, and being a good person matters, and speaking truth matters. Now hopefully we can get back to kindness and civility.

OH, I know we are very divided as a country about where we should set $ priorities, and I don’t agree fully with the democratic platform or the republican… I really am a moderate, an independent who wants the best of both worlds. We need to have a third party around here..and we need term limits… but I digress.

I don’t understand all of the conspiracy theories..around voter mail-in fraud. It’s like people have lost their minds about how mail-in voting works and how ballot counting and double-checking works, especially in some states that can't start counting mail-in votes til election day and then days afterward....and it doesn't help that Trump set up this conspiracy theory months ago. I hope that lawsuits happen and all is proven on the up and up. I know having Trump tell the world that we are having illegal elections in the USA is not helping anyone.

So we are celebrating. We are feeling safe and heard and wanting a better world. We feel like we can breathe again. AND…. let’s not forget a woman in the white house-- glass ceilings are breaking. This is a big deal a woman in the white house… It’s about time. We watched Biden and Harris acceptance speeches and felt commitment and hope. I'm hoping we will have more leadership with and not so much leadership over. A new form of leadership is needed in this country for sure.

Laila and I cried through it all.

In Biden’s acceptance speech he actually mentioned disabled, trans, gay, straight, black, brown, poor, middle class, all ethnicities, immigrants….. So many finally felt seen instead of passed over.

Because of my belief in God, and everything happens for a reason, I wonder why God allowed Trump to win four years ago and spew so much vitriol in our country. I think it’s because He needed our nation’s cracks to show. He needed us to show our true colors of racism and making fun of political correctness so we can actually begin to heal. He needed us to stop avoiding it and pasting over white supremacy like it was gone, when it really had only gone underground. Being “politically correct” is not just lip service to manners, it's about true compassion and kindness and trying to be Christlike to all.

I get that the world is going to get worse so Christ can come again, but I would much rather do it under a leader who is compassionate and civil, than narcissistic Trump for another four years.

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