Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Teachable moments

I was playing hide and seek with Alfie.  He would hide in really easy places and I would do my best NOT to see him, and then eventually find him.
"Is he under the table?"
"Is he under the blanket?"
"There he is." 
You know the routine.
When it was my turn to hide I wasn't so obvious but usually in a room behind a door.  He searched and searched and was so pleased with himself when he found me.  He would laugh and then say, "Let's go again."
One time Alfie hid and I really couldn't find him.  He was being silent and tricky.  I searched all upstairs  in the bedrooms and closets.  I looked in the bathrooms and bathtubs.  I searched the kitchen nooks and hiding spots and even the basement's toy and furnace areas.  I peaked into Addison's office.
No Alfie.
I searched all over again.
I said, "I can't find you ... give me a clue."
No answer.  I started to worry.  I searched again, even looking outside-- maybe he sneaked out and I didn't see him.
I asked again, "Alf please call out and give grandma a clue. I really can't find you."   More silence.
I looked one more time everywhere and  in Addison's office there he was, quiet as a mouse under the desk.
I was relieved.
It had been such a long search he was relieved too.

We talked about how horrible I felt when I couldn't find him and how happy I was when I did.  We talked about not losing each other and how important family is.  We gave each other hugs and smiles and then made pizza roll ups.
I have so much I want to teach my kids and grand kids but like most things, the best way to teach our kids is to find those teachable moments.

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