Monday, May 13, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

I love Mother’s Day.
I can choose to think about it however I want and I choose to think it’s awesome.
I love taking the time to think about each of my kids and what they mean to me.
I love thinking about my own mom and Wayne’s mom and their beautiful influence.
I love thinking about other amazing moms in my friend groups and siblings.  
I love gathering with those who can.
I love going to church and feeling the spirit. I love buying my own present- I get just what I want.
It feels like a day of Spring Thanksgiving.  Mother’s Day is not about celebrating a perfect parent. It’s about honoring human parents. Life is 50/50 and that’s how it’s supposed to be. Some days, weeks and moments are great and some aren’t and that’s okay—That’s called earth life with opposition in all things. Right? Hey peeps…...It’s Mother’s Day. Not martyrs day. So don’t set unrealistic expectations and expect others to read your minds. Just manage your mind and make it what you want.

I’m remembering of a few things I learned from my mom today-- She taught me how to sing the alto line, to sit down and share with people, to get dressed and do your hair and makeup every day, to pull the perfect scone, always have ice for your water and to follow your passions.

My grandma Butters taught me to make ginger cream cookies, that good shoes were worth the money, the qualities of an awesome purse and always stick your finger in the gravy to make it taste better.   

We are gathered with all those who lived close by and had a cook out in our back yard-- kind of like Father’s day --because  the weather is perfect for it. I had my obligatory pic with each person. My family teases me but I always tell them they will be happy to have this pic when I'm dead.

I made Ginger cream cookies with Laila to honor Grandma Butters, and hopefully teach Laila a little more about the cookie making and her namesake.  It was fin to work and share memories.

This year I got a beautiful JKRichards print of the Savior wearing a rainbow robe gathering everyone in His arms. And Of course I love the roses Wayne gets me
Truman called and we had a love fest. He's so great and really making his life work in Portland.  He loves his new place and living on his own and his work scheduled changed and got him off of weekends so his dating world has opened up!  

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