Tuesday, May 7, 2019

My niche

As a Life Coach I want to help women over 50 get rid of their worry and overwhelm once and for ALL! 

At this point our lives could be simpler but .... we worry about our children, grandchildren, in-laws, loved ones leaving our religion, weight, finances, mental and physical health, being a burden, our spouse or lack of spouse.
We are overwhelmed about how to help our young marrieds and our aging parents all at the same time.  We are overwhelmed about work, money and what to do about retirement.  Overwhelmed with church callings and answering the question, "Are we going on a mission?"  Overwhelmed about the aging process and all of our aches and pains.  Overwhelmed with technology and keeping up.

There can be a lot of worry and overwhelm at this stage of life.

There can be a lot of freedom, growth and love at this stage of life too.

It's all in how we manage our thoughts.

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