Sunday, November 11, 2018

Joy in the Snow

Winter is coming.  I sit here and enjoy our lovely fall leaves, the crisp air and blue sky  and know that snow is on the way.  But I will choose to find joy in the snow.

I've been learning a lot about mind set and being in charge of our thoughts.  Thoughts cause our feelings, which cause our actions and thus our results.  So if we sit around thinking that winter is horrible, then winter will be horrible.  Our brains love to search for and find evidence for whatever our thoughts are manifesting.   So if we hate winter, if we can't stand the cold, if we just go through the next few months complaining about all of it, then winter will definitely be miserable.

I've spent some past years doing this so I know it's true.

I'm going to get in charge of my thoughts this year and think of positive things around winter instead.

I will remember it has three of my favorite holidays-  Christmas, New Years, Valentines-- in it.  I will focus on all nine of the family birthdays that fill this season.  I will remember when it's cold and blustery outside, that I have a warm, cozy home that I'm so grateful for..... and I have a four wheel drive car to get me through the snow.... and I have a job that works from home..... I don't even have to go out in it if I don't want to.  I will enjoy the white flakes and the beauty of snow hanging on the trees especially when the sun shines on it and it's so sparkly.  I will count my blessings that I'm even alive to witness all of this.  Some people don't  get to live and experience 56 years of winter, but I do.

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