Monday, December 18, 2023

Lights on 2023

We just got all of the kids and grandkids out of here from our Lights On party and it was AWESOME.  We did our usual with fondue and new Christmas jammies, saying "oh", and "ah" as we turn on the different lights and singing Christmas carols. 

Pass around the candle and say what we love about the person sitting next to us and how they share their light.  We showed the nativity video that Linda Wangsgaard ward put on– it’s a shadow play with Pentatonix singing Hallelujah and it’s just gorgeous.  And we always sing This little light of my, Running over, and I’m so blessed.   
We talked about how in a nativity the shepherds and the Wisemen are represented although the Wisemen didn’t show up until 2 years later.  But we represent them all in a nativity scene because it doesn’t matter if you are an early believer and show up that night like the Shepherds… or if you are slower to come to Jesus like the Wisemen.  The point is to come– to turn your heart to Jesus and become a believer.

We had almost everyone in attendance. Plus Landon and Alex's friend Matt. Markus is in town for his bff’s wedding on Tuesday.  Laila had to stay in Cali and work and take care of Jet so we face-timed her in.    It was so fun to just hang out together.  At the end of the party, we made stars with our names on the front to commit to sharing our light and put someone’s name on the back of the star who shares their light with us.  ( it had to be someone outside of the immediate family)  We hung these on my dining room chandelier as a reminder through this Christmas season. It was a good night.

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