Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Pride month is here...

 Jesus only ever taught me to be a gatherer not a sifter.

Pride month reminds me of this. I’m grateful for the LGBTQ people in my life…my sons and my sister and sister-in-law, and so many cousins and friends. They are all beautiful people, living their lives, making choices, and being amazing, flawed humans just like me. Just like you.

Rainbows mean hope for me. Hope for a better world.
I love getting my rainbow flag out and decorating my home.  It feels colorful and bold and reminds me that life is not black and white--  definitely not gray-- it's full of color. All sorts of different colored people and colorful thoughts and actions.  Rainbows remind me of this.  
  There is that baptism primary song about Rainbows.. and it reminds me to keep my baptismal covenants and to mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort.  That's what Pride month reminds me to do as well-- to reach out to those in the margins.  
I wish we didn't have to have a PRIDE month-- I wish we lived in a world where this wasn't a big thing.  That people could just be who they are with love and acceptance.  No bashing. No fear. ( TRu was just called out on the streets in SLC, bashed and some guys wanted to engage in a fight with him because he's gay.  Total strangers.  What's up with people?!? Stay in your own business!!). No weirdness around it.   I wish we could celebrate our diversity EVERY month of the year, but until that happens I'm glad it's highlighted in June.  
Pride month is a time to recognize the importance of each and every single person but mostly it’s a month to celebrate the LGBTQ among us.  

I like to imagine we were given a choice in the pre-existence to be hetero or homo or anything in-between and those that chose not to follow the sexual majority are special angels sent here to earth to help all of us examine our own prejudices and move out of our natural man tendencies into Christlike ones.    They were willing to have a more difficult earthly path in an effort to guide us all into a more loving space.  

 I have been taught all of my life to be like Jesus. Jesus loved and ministered to those who were not always understood or valued in society. 

Moving out of judgment and into compassion and curiosity is a beautiful place to live. 

We will fly a rainbow flag at the Welch home through the month of June and always. 
Everyone is welcome at our table.
For, Where Love Is….There God is Also. 

May we each try a little harder to be accepting of everyone. To embrace our LGBTQ brothers and sisters with open minds and tender hearts. 

We are a diverse family. We differ in race, religion, politics, and sexual orientation. We are united in love, trust, and loyalty. When one celebrates we all celebrate. When one hurts we all hurt. We are FAMILY!
Honestly, one of the most healing things for my heart, my spirit, and even my testimony has been embracing all my LGBTQ family and friends.   I don’t know how to explain it, but understanding we are all 100% children of God and I’m not any more of a Child of God and they aren’t any less of a Child of God is heart-opening.  Accepting all as a part of our God’s family has healed me in ways I never imagined possible. I don’t know if I have more questions or more answers, but I definitely have more peace—love is more powerful than I had ever imagined! 💕

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