Friday, June 18, 2021

Answered Prayer

I couldn’t find my AirPods anywhere.

 I had had them this morning and then I remember putting the one I was using in the  case, and putting it down either by my computer or on the kitchen counter and then I went upstairs to get ready. 

Awhile later, I came back downstairs to get my AirPods and they were nowhere to be found.  

Seriously I could not find them. 

I searched my bedroom three times - under my bed, in the covers. 

I searched around my computer and the kitchen area. 

I searched the whole main floor and I decided maybe Jet - Laila’s dog- took them. 

I went outside and walked the backyard two different times just looking for something white. 

I looked under things,  in couches and around the house again thinking if Jet did take them he may be have hid them somewhere.

I could not find them. 

I was frustrated. 

I’d pretty much given up on it then I remembered  I should pray about this. 

This is a great thing to pray about because I really need these AirPods. 

I put my hand on my heart and said a prayer and immediately it was brought to my mind right where The AirPods were. The Holy Spirit said, “They are in your shoes.”  I opened my closet and checked the shoes I had worn that morning and the AirPods came tumbling out. 

It was crazy!! 

It was just a complete answer to prayer.  I don’t even remember putting them in my shoes or walking the shoes with my AirPods upstairs to put them in my closet but that’s where it was and I just want to record this to remember that prayers are answered even for the tiniest of things. 

Here's what I know... I learn things about myself when I find things and when I don't find things.  I continue to pray and rely on the Holy Spirit.   

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