Sunday, June 6, 2021

Personal revelation is key

How gorgeous are rainbows?  They continue to remind me that God is in charge.  And that sunset last night….are you kidding me?!?  That is also a testimony of God’s  love.

I  am a believer and I love being a believer.

I get asked a lot, how I stay in the LDS church with LGBTQ family members— for me it’s not hard, but I have had mini faith crises and I have compassion for those who have stepped away.   I have found that holding on to the things I do know and the times the spirit has spoken to me, gives me strength.

Personal revelation is key:   I prayed to understand how supporting and loving my children fit into my religious beliefs. As I prayed, I got some strong answers: 

1. I was to focus on loving and supporting my children on their journey. 

2. That this journey is God's plan for our family.  

3. That my Heavenly Parents know and love me and my children more than I can possibly understand.  

4. It’s not us vs. them…we are all in this together. I need to speak up in letting people know that God loves all of His children. 

5. God has so much more to reveal. 

My goal is to make a difference in the world, for my children and everyone else’s. And to strive to be more like Jesus in speaking out with love and helping the marginalized.   

It’s time for our church congregations to be a place anyone can feel unconditional love and peace; where  all can share their story and truly feel welcome.

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