Wednesday, March 31, 2021

One week to live

If this was your last week to live on earth, what would you do?  

I would have a celebration, go to the temple, gather the family for a big final dinner with all my favorite foods, spend time outside- maybe a beach(?),  be with my friends, give some last wise words, get my things in order and love and bless and pray. 

Jesus' last week on earth He had a celebration- his triumphal entry with palm leaves praising him. He went to the temple ( and cleared it out). He had the last supper- I'm sure it featured all of his favorite, delicious foods. Washed some feet (Okay... this one is not on my list, but I would change a diaper if called upon for one of my grandbabies). He spent time with family and friends. He was outdoors at the Mount of Olives. He taught and blessed and loved even his enemies that would betray him.  

He prayed. 

This is Holy Week.  

I'm trying to be like Jesus. 


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