Thursday, March 11, 2021

10 questions to ask at the end of a Global Pandemic

 As we are coming to the end of our Global Pandemic...I'm reflecting.  It's what I do.  I have had my vaccine so has Wayne and Laila and Truman and many other friends and extended family members, and things are starting to open up more.  The Utah Governor predicts by April every one who wants to can get vaccinated and by July 4th we will be FREE atlast!

10 Questions to ask at the end of a Global Pandemic:

1.What was life like one year ago today?  I was on a cousin's trip with Krystin and Cindy.  We went to Krystin's condo at Sand Hollow and messed around, we made funny corona virus videos -- mocking the fear around it.  Wayne was sending me crazy videos of people racing for toilet paper at Costco and shortages of water bottles. SO much fear around it. We attended a concert at Tuacahn--the  last concert  held there, with Air Supply and sang our guts out.  

2.  What has been the biggest change in the last year?  We have all been at home more than not.  I missed the connection with my people.  For many months it was just me and Wayne and Laila... Laila had to finish school which was really hard for her.  She went into a big depression and didn't want to get out of bed.  She quit many of her classes.  I already work at home so my work didn't change.  We carried on with our online school.  Wayne came home for a few weeks and didn't work at his paid for office.  Wayne's work change drastically.

3. What were your coping mechanisms?   I watched a ton of tv/ Netflix so many series and movies and just numbed out with that.  I couldn't go to movies in a movie theater...which I would do most every weekend, so Netflix filled that gap.  If it's out there, I've seen it.    I ate a lot of food...then stopped and reined it in.   In June and lost 20 lbs.    

4.  What did connection in relationships look like?   Did many zoom meetings.  Zoom family night game night with my kids.  Weekly Zoom call with my Sunseeker friends.  Church went home...and I missed meeting with people at church so much.    Missed going to lunch with a friend every week.  I love lunch!  Missed going to Wanee's home for quite a bit.  We got creative and sat outside, far apart with masks on.  

5.   What will you remember most?  How church changed.   We went home with Wayne blessing the sacrament for me and Laila and him...and we had a little Come Follow me Message.. Then when we got back to church we all had masks on and had to sit apart from each other.  We sat on every other bench and could only sit by people you live with....well in a YSA ward that was a lot of single sitters.   Weird to see so many masked people.  Had to figure out the sacrament without touching everything, so the bread went into cups and you would take the cup, then when the water came around you would drink the water then put both cups in a separate tray.    

6. What was biggest challenge?  Wayne's work and no money coming in.  Wayne imports from CHINA.   He imports mostly restaurant supply.  So China closed down and restaurants closed all of that.   There was a lot of worry and wondering what to do.  Wayne pivoted in May and started bringing in masks... which helped for a few months, then everyone was bringing them in, and restaurants opened a little bit,  but not full service.  Sales dropped dramatically.  We were just glad I had my teaching job.   Another challenge was Truman's mental health in Oregon.

7.  Name a beautiful memory from last year.    I loved setting up and delivering on Laila's Prom night.  It looked magical and Laila and Max were very appreciative, even if the night was FREEZING!.   

8.  What do you believe now that you didn't a year ago?  This year has been a crash course on racism and black lives matter.  Understanding bias and prejudice, bigotry and racism.  So much to learn and so much to try and understand and then work in my circle of influence to move the cause forward.  

9. What would you do differently next time?  Maybe not another pandemic, but when the world shifts.  I would continue to lean on my Jesus and work on thoughts around God's in charge, we are all in this together.   Give myself and others more Grace around all of this.

10.  What will you carry forward from this time?  How important hugs are to me.  I understand how important connection is and spending actual physical TIME with family and friends.   How important actually attending church with like-minded saints is to me... not in the sit apart wear masks kind of way...but in the let's greet and hug each other and share our lives and our testimonies.  

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