Monday, December 9, 2019

Lights On Party

 A Lights on party is a great way to kick off the season. We put on Christmas jammies and eat fondue because the kids love it and it’s different and fun- then we turn off all of the lights in our house and have three different Christmas tree spots where when the lights turn on we ooh and ahh and then sing a Christmas Hymn and talk about Jesus being the light of the world. It’s all very reverent and feels magical. As we finish by the big tree in our Living room we gather in a circle and pass a candle around saying something kind about the person to our left. It’s good for our kids and our grandchildren to go through this exercise and think of others and what we love about them. This year because of our grinch jammies we played Cheer-meister games- dice on a stick, cotton ball relay, balancing, cup tower stacking and ball bottle whacking. We were all winners. Then Addison shared his new book he illustrated this year - “Christmas Underwear.” I love family time. We were all here except my beloved Tru in Portland. He’ll get his jammies later and we will pass a candle and say something nice about him.

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