Sunday, June 24, 2018

101 miler

 Wayne has been preparing for his 101 miler in Cache Valley for the last 2 months.  It has not been with out peril...between falling, a broken bike, scrapes and bruises and finally having to ride a borrowed bike...he did it!  It was a gorgeous day and not too hot.  I ran support which basically means I don't do much.  I go between rest stops to offer cheer-up support and give anything Wayne needs -  more chapstick...and then I take pics and cheer as he crosses the finish line.  In between all of that I listened to a book on Audible- (Educated by Tara Westover ) was fascinating. 
Catching a seat break at 48 miles....

Still smiles at 101 miles.  AMAZING!

It was a great day spending time with Steve and Michelle King...and riding/supporting the ride for MS.   

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