Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Coming out of Quarantine-- what's happening?

We are coming out of quarantine like…."Hello World--I am what I am." Lady shows this idea perfectly. And that’s pretty awesome!
Hopefully we have shed some of the pretense, and dropped some of the show and can really see each other.  Grace for ourselves and grace for others is what it’s all about. People are wonderful and messy and I’m here for all of it! 

We did the big car exchange.  Addison and Bre sold my old UMOZ Prius to Truman and they bought their first family van.  It's named after one of their college professors-- Van Tinkham.   They are all in for this #3 baby!

We love getting together on Sunday nights.  We call it Sunday circle.  All those who can come to dinner do.  IT's an open invitation every Sunday when we are in town.  The grand kids all love LAILA and Laila loves her dog Jet.

Last Sunday we had wax your nose hair night.  All those who were up for it participated.  Okay this looks crazy..and there was some pain involved, but all four admitted it was worth it.

We love having Elsie, Tayla and Lady around.  They are full of spunk, energy and curiosity.  Elsie can't talk yet but understands most everything.  She won't sleep anywhere but her own bed and is very opinionated about food and toys and what she will and won't do.  She's a smiler and seems so gentle and nice...but she has a temper.  Tayla is a perfect oldest child.  Very obedient and caring of her little sisters.  She wants to do every thing right.   Lady is so smart.  She's three and has a vocabulary of a much older kid.  She is always talking and going from one thing to the next with no down time inbetween.  

BIG NEWS:  Andrew shaved for the first time!  He had a few, weird scraggly, sparse hairs on his face so it was time to start.  Alex was a good sport and support and shaving creamed up his own face hair-- although he didn't shave it off.  Sophia was stunned.  

Alfie is playing soccer and we all love attending, cheering and watching him play.    We went to Alfie’s first soccer game on Tuesday night.  He likes it a lot and it helps that he’s on his cousin Leo’s team.  Alfie likes to stay away from the pack and he likes to get big kicks in.  His team is good and he even scored.  BUT we don’t play for the score we play for fun...SO Alfie’s team had 7 funs and the other team had zero.    IT was flashback time for me watching him… put some glasses on Aflie and it was like watching Addison all over again.   Poppy insists on wearing princess dresses and some disney slipper type Frozen boots that are a struggle to put on and a struggle to keep on and she hobbles when she walks in them but she LOVES them. We love how Poppy talks...she has a darling little lisp. We asked Poppy if she wanted to play soccer..she said, "I don't have the costume."

Life might seem upside down at times....but it's pretty great!


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