Friday, April 16, 2021

April - Year of Awesome

 Our April awesome family activities got changed a little bit... 

We couldn't do the Ronald McDonald house because of hopefully later in the year. Instead, we decided to put together freezer meals for Wanee and Holly ( and Dale).    It was a great service project because the grandkids could totally help make and deliver these.  We took 8 -9x13 recipes and divided them in half, and then provided a sheet Wanee could post to remind her what's in her freezer and cooking instructions.  So grateful to Sandy for helping us know which recipes to use, because we wanted t make sure Wanee would like these.   Sophia and Andrew were so helpful.  

Wanee was THRILLED.  She has 16 dinners now in her freezer that she can thaw and cook. 

Our gathering for April was a family movie theatre rental to see the movie HOP- because it's Easter time.  The kids loved it-- it's about the Easter bunny from 2010-- the adults tolerated it, but it's always good to be together.  Add popcorn and treats on top of that and a theatre with only us, so the littles can run around and dance and be crazy if they want to be and it's a success.

We are talking about compassion and having more compassion for ourselves and others.  Our world seems upside down at times, especially with more shootings of unarmed black people by police.  Laila has been really affected by this once we all should be.  It's important to reach out to our BIPOC brothers and sisters and tell them they matter.  To mourn with them and have compassion for all involved.  We also talk about having compassion for ourselves--to look at our thoughts and decide are they true, are they helpful, are they kind?    Try to be in the 2 out of 3 range scoring on all your thoughts.   I like teaching these concepts in bite-size chunks to my grands..and if my kids want to listen in as well, that's great!

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