Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Jumping into LGBTQ space

As a Life Coach I'm feeling the pull to create a program for parents of LGBTQ who are struggling. I have navigated these waters for over a decade now and I feel I have so much to offer.

This is my mission statement:

I help parents of LGBTQ kids find their emotional and spiritual balance as they navigate their new family dynamic.

Do you want to…..
Gain perspective
Feel peace
Find joy
Learn to Love your new family dynamic

…..Then you are in the right place.

Here are the Pain points I believe Parents go through:
It’s not fair
I’m so mad
I don’t believe it
It’s just a phase. My child is confused.
My child came out of a closet and now I just want to hide in one.
If I ignore it , I won’t have to deal with it
I can’t talk about it --I’m embarrassed
What did I do- we’ve done everything right...why being punished?
It’s all my fault
I can fix this
I’m afraid for my child’s future.-- how will be treated, what this means
Knocked off balance
Why is this happening to our family?
I am confused
How does this fit with the gospel plan?
How can I have an eternal family now?

Here is what I want to teach :
Stages of grief- shock,denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, acceptance --
INdulgent emotions-- anxiety, worry, stress, confusion.
Unconditional love
How Love works
The model, How Brain works, negative bias
Worst case scenario - past and future thinking
Wanting but not needing - emotional childhood and emotional adulthood
Boundaries, Adults get to be and do. If under 18 Kids…. Our job is to love , keep safe, educate.
50/50, "people are so mean, how protect? I just want my kid to be happy and I just want to be happy again" are poisonous thoughts.
Believing new thoughts- the process….bridge thoughts
Tell a different story
Ask better questions. Not why or when. But How can I help.
What other people think is none of my business. My business, other people’s business, god’s business
Allow people to be wrong about you and your kid -- so what?
Religion worries… proclamation idea, unanswered questions at box at Christ’s feet,

I got to the point I'm at after years of reading and talking and processing and failing and trying again, praying and accepting paradox. I would like to speed this "struggle and relief " time up for parents. Get them to emotional and spiritual balance in 6 months instead of 6 years. I know my life coach tools totally help in this department. I can really help people look at their thoughts and work on moving to new, more loving thoughts.

Now I just need to meet more people in this space and for this reason I have jumped back into Facebook groups and LGBTQ conferences.

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