Sunday, June 2, 2019


Someone said to me..."It must be such a trial having gay children."


Here's the truth.  My boys are fantastic.  They are amazing sons of God and I know they are loved, are of infinite worth and valued just like me.

Today is the Pride celebration in Salt Lake and I am proud to be a mom of gay children.  I am waving my rainbow flag high!  What I may have thought was a trial at the beginning of this journey has turned into a huge blessing. 

It's allowed me to be more.
More open, more empathetic, more of a fighter for the underdog, more politically correct, more accepting,  more civil, more kind, more willing to have hard conversations, more spiritual,  more generous, more compassionate, more curious, and more loving.

The trial isn't that they are Gay.  The trial comes with how they are treated.
We are all good with being nice to people who are like us and are doing what we think they should be doing and obeying all of the commandments.  But being kind and civil to those who are different from us continues to challenge.  Acceptance is not a pre-requisite to Love.  We should love and be nice just because we are all part of the human race and because that's the type of person we want to be, and it just feels so much better.

I hope for a better world.

Somewhere over the Rainbow skies are blue....right?
Let's all step up and be kinder, nicer and more compassionate toward each other. We can take some pride in that.

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