Tuesday, January 15, 2019

My grands

It's Alfie's birthday today.  He's five.  He can read and write already and he still has kindergarten ahead of him.  Alfie is all the things a silently stubborn five year old should be.  He is gentle and rowdy. He is considerate and artistic. So much like his dad.  Alfie doesn't like putting on costumes or dressing up or singing for people or having attention drawn to him.  So much NOT like his dad.  Aflie is okay playing by himself and really loves playing video games on my phone.  He's also very creative and will entertain himself and cousin Tayla for hours playing hide and seek, jumping on the trampoline, playing "magic" or unicorn, running and wrestling with cousins.   If he doesn't want to do something or eat something he just says, "I'm fine."  Who can argue with that?
I love this little guy so much and I am his biggest cheerleader.

I remember when Alfie was born far away in Florida.  We knew Addison and Bre had checked into the hospital and we were waiting for a call that a little boy was born, but the call never came and never came.  Wayne and I were up all night waiting with worry and praying that the baby would be healthy and Bre would survive it all.   Finally early the next morning Addison called and reported that all was well.  He was crying.  We were crying.  I knew the overwhelm and love Addison was feeling at this time.  The unknown of being a new parent and how  life was never going to be the same.

It would be another two weeks before we got to go to Florida and hold this little guy.  In the meantime Addison . had sent pictures and even a silhouette of Alfie's head with hair sticking out all over.  I know Add and Bre thought the silhouette looked cool, but I just thought it looked like a scary monkey and I wondered what this little guy really looked like. Wayne, Laila and I flew to Florida to goo and cuddle with Alfie and help out Addison and Bre for a bit.  They were in a tiny one bedroom apartment and we all slept on the floor of the living room/kitchen while they tried to sleep in the small bedroom with Alfie in the cradle.  It was tight.

I couldn't believe the love I felt for this little boy the first time I held him. Fresh from heaven with all of the promise and beauty of a full life ahead of him.   I felt this three other times with my other grand babies, Tayla, Poppy and Lady.

It's been interesting to me to see how my love has grown for Sophia and Andrew.  They came into our lives in a far different manner. Landon and Alex started dating and I met Alex's kids as an outsider when they were three and six.  I didn't know if they were going to be a part of the Welch family?  If the Buzelli's would stick around?  If I should invest my time and love into this relationship just to have my heart broken when they walked out of it?  I had to get over this and just open my heart and love for the time I could, whether it be short or long.  Having Landon and Alex get married helped with the permanence of my grandparent relationship. I can honestly say, I love Sophia and Andrew as my own because they are.  And no matter where their lives go I will always be interested and want the best for them.   And I'm so grateful they are a part of my heart.  Wayne and I had to come up with what we wanted to Sophia and Andrew to call us as grandparents since they couldn't just  organically happen from a little 1 or 2 year old.  We opted for Momma Melinda and Papa Wayne.  I love when they call me this.  Our littles couldn't say all of this so it's been shortened to Meema and Papa. 

Alfie is being celebrated this day and Lady is having her day January 19th.

Our little Adelaide arrived last year.  Once again Wayne and I and Lexi's people- Kaitlyn and Rebecca were anxiously waiting to find out about this little doll and praying all would be well.  We were shocked when everything in the hospital deteriorated and emergency personnel were called in and bells were ringing and Monson was looking pale and helpless.  We were all just sick inside and  praying that his wife and baby were going to survive.  It was scary. Two and a half  weeks in the NICU and  finally we were back in happy baby land. It was a rough start but it's been a fun year to watch Lady grow and change and to see how sweet sister Tayla has been with her.
Lady is a cuddler with an inquisitive personality.  She has  a little magical elfen face with gorgeous eyes. Lady is also a destroyer.  She can empty out every cupboard and pull down every DVD and book off any shelf in a matter of minutes.  It's truly a gift.

I love being Meema- Momma Melinda to all of these awesome humans.

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