Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New Friends

 I've been making friends in Layton.  I thank GOD for Bonnie Benedict!  I met her the first Sunday here, and she has been a lifesaver.  I walk with her and Tammy Petty about 3 mornings a week.  

I have really worked on making connections in Layton.  I knew if I was going to like it here I needed Layton friends.  I have asked people in my ward to go to lunch with me, to share their stories, and how they feel about the gospel.  I have put myself in charge of our ward newsletter section of Meet a Ward member where I call on different families to share their stories, hobbies, why stay in church etc... that's been good for me as well because I have to reach out and put myself out there.  I gave myself this calling and told the Bishop what I wanted to do.   I have worked on relationships with our next-door neighbors and across-the-street neighbors.  We have delivered many loaves of sourdough bread and chocolate chip cookies.  

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