Saturday, August 3, 2024

July is favorite month

 Well, my favorite month of the year is over!  

I love JULY.  

It truly is my most favored month of the year.

And why not?  It includes two holidays... July 4th and Pioneer Day July 24th- so fireworks, family time, cookouts, movies, parades.  

My birthday.  So I love the attention and any thing purchased during the month I say it's a present...any lunch or brunch or dinner I attend I say it's for my birthday.

No work- as a teacher this is a big deal.  

And our family's annual Bear Lake vacation.  Extended family time, shakes, and long walks, hanging out, talks, heat and tomatoes, dance parties, and watermelon.  Corn on the cob and pool's just all so good!  

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