Tuesday, July 9, 2024

4th of July

The 4th of July was excellent…but not filled with family this year as per usual.  Landon and Alex are in NYC for Landon’s birthday seeing all the shows, and their kids are with the mom.  Tru was helping His boss lady “P”.  Monson and Lexi are still in Michigan helping Kaitlyn and visiting relatives. Laila and Markus are in Oceanside of course, and Add and Bre had friend-Inkley plans.  SO…..

Wayne and I got up early and hiked Adma’s canyon to the waterfall with Bob and Diane Lake.  It’s quite a hike.  At the end there is a lot of tricky boulder places…but the waterfall at the end makes it all worth it.  We have to get into hiking shape for Machu Pichu this fall…so this was a good step in that direction.  I used hiking poles for the first time and I really liked it.    We then went out to breakfast with Bob and Diane to Ramblin Roads in Layton for Peach pancakes....delicious.

Later in the afternoon Wayne and I went to see Despicable Me 4 with Tim and Linda.  It’s Linda’s birthday on the 4th– so she loves that everyone celebrates her with fireworks and BBQs.  Linda turned 60.  I have old friends.   Then that night we watched fireworks– I invited myself to my across-the-street neighbors- the Ellsworths - to view from their back deck.  It’s a perfect view to the South of the Layton City Fireworks that lit off at Layton High School baseball field.   They are so close to our house.  

But…. Wayne stayed home to see what we could see from our backyard– and it was a lot.  We are used to living on the bench in Bountiful which has banned fireworks above Davis Boulevard–so we are not used to having so many gutter-works happening all around us.  It seemed like every other house was lighting something off– and we were surrounded with bangs and pops and it sounded like a war zone at one point.  Are we living in Syria?  It was wild.  And it went on til almost midnight.  Now we know. 
Wayne got up the next day and rode his bike long and hard, and appreciated the flags on the overpass...

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