Monday, April 29, 2024

Layton Temple Open house

 Wayne and I get to serve on a subcommittee for the temple open house.  We are working with YSA and SA wards and stakes to have them come through as a group.  We have set apart thousands of tickets for four Mondays in a row to facilitate this happening.  We are working under Melinda Checketts from our home ward.  We moved in and she put us on this committee and we are so appreciative.  It has been a blessing to get to know her and more people in our ward and to serve at the Temple.  

I love that we are a Temple People.  It's our calling in this world, to connect generations and get everyone sealed and knowing that Jesus is the Christ.  I'm increasing my temple attendance to I can navigate my world better.  So I can sit in silence and commune with God and develop a relationship with him.  So I can let more light into my life. 

Monday night there was a computer glitch and 1500 extra tickets got released to the it was a bit crowded and crazy.  We had over 4000 people go through between 6-8 pm. Plus, we had all the weather:  soft rain, pouring rain, beautiful rainbow, wind, hurricane force wind, a gorgeous sunset, freezing temps and a beautiful temple and lots of hugs from our old YSA’s. 

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