Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Rainbow Party time

The Rainbow party is our effort to teach love, acceptance and inclusion to our grand kids in an effort to change our world. We started our annual rainbow party with a swim in Jill Allsop's pool.  Living next to Jill for the past 32 years has been a joy.  She is the best.  She is so giving and kind and loves my kids and now my grandkids.  

Pizza and Popsicles and a PARADE!  

After a short discussion on why we love everyone--  because Jesus and it's the right thing to do -- the kids decided what they wanted their signs for the parade to say....."celebrate differences,"  " We love everybody," " love wins". " be nice"  "We are proud of you".  We put our rainbow clothes on-- bracelets, tutu's, capes, scarves, hats, balloons and shirts.  Put Alfie in the front banging a drum, Addison in the middle playing music off his phone,  Monson in the back holding our rainbow flag and we marched around our block chanting, "We love everybody"and "Who do we love?...everybody!"   I made some banana bread with a note attached to drop at neighbor's doors who fly rainbow colors thanking them.   I texted my neighbors and told them to come out and cheer for us if they wanted many of them did.  It was really sweet.


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