Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Why I stay when hard things happen?

Hey….. I’ve had many reach out to me after E. Holland’s talk on Monday.  Here’s my response to all of you….     I'm just giving grace, compassion and curiosity to everyone involved in this. It would be hard to be E. Holland...and it's hard to be LGBTQ...and it's hard to be us. I just have to go back to why I believe.. what I believe? Why do I stay? Then when things like this happen I'm not blown about and feeling unmoored. 

I'm sad, yes, but ours is a church of continuing revelation. We don't have all the answers ... I stay for Jesus... he's my overriding and I know I can find him in other churches but not like we talk about Him here. My other 5 are.... 1. Book of Mormon - it is true scripture.  Joseph Smith did not make it up.  2. Priesthood power...I've had too many awesome experiences with this. 3. Temple.. I love the power and peace and perspective it gives me. 4. the revolutionary doctrine of Mother in heaven that no other church even talks about..and totally makes sense. 5. personal revelation. It keeps me here telling me to speak up for the marginalized and love everyone no matter where they are on this path. 

I’ve strengthened my testimony by realizing the gospel is so very separate from the people in the church. The gospel is true. Everything else including the imperfections in the church are continuing to improve (however slowly and however many mistakes in between) because the gospel is true. The church itself cannot be perfect because this world isn’t perfect and people aren’t perfect. The prophets do their best to lead it as close to Christ as possible but even they are not perfect. But the true teachings of Him and His gospel cannot be found in any other church nor the peace I receive through the blessings of the gospel.

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