Thursday, May 9, 2024

11 years....

 It's my gorgeous momma's birthday.  She's been gone 11 years and I continue to think of her everyday. Sometimes with tears, but mostly now, with smiles.   I like to do one  kind thing for 13 days, between mom's birth and death dates, in her honor  to celebrate. 

Somethings my mom taught me.  

Family matters.   Family relationships aren’t always easy but they are worth it.

God first.  He was always my mom’s north star.  She was never too tired or too busy to follow Him.  Mom was a believer and called upon her “angels” daily.

Live with purpose.  Who you decide to be each day matters.  Love intentionally. “Who do I want to be?”  “How do I want to show up?”  

Be confident.  My mom always assumed we were capable finding solutions and figuring things out.  Because she had confidence in us, we found it in ourselves.

Look for the “one.”  There is always someone out there who could use your love.  Find them.   Mom’s the one who asked for the “hard” people to minister to in her ward.  She just wanted to offer friendship and she was so good at it. 

We all have different talents.. use the ones God gave you.  Her license plate surround read, “I can dance”  as a reminder of this.  

Show up.  For the funeral, for the performance, for the activity.  Life is more meaningful done together.  Be everyone’s biggest cheerleader. 

Look at the world around you.  Enjoy the sunset.  Rhapsodize about the sky and the clouds.  God put this all here for us as a reminder of Him.

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