Sunday, January 9, 2022

Wayne is 60!

Wayne turned 60.... this is a milestone birthday. A birthday that makes you stop and take stock of where you’ve been and where you want to be.  While he's thinking on that, I put a list together with help from family and friends of .....

60 Things we LOVE about WAYNE 

1. He’s funny and does magic tricks.

2. He’s kind and makes sure everyone has a great time and likes going on trips with his family. 

3. He’s very smart and generous. 

4. My dad is very accepting of people in a come as you are way. And loves people just for exactly who they are. He sees potential and helps us strive to be our best selves but in a way that we all know his love is unchanging and unwavering. 

5. I love that my dad is a go-to guy. If I call he answers. If I need help he is there. If I don’t know something he figures it out. 

6. I love that dad is all in all the time. Any crazy idea mom or the kids or the grands come up with he is there for it with an excited attitude. 

7. I love that dad loves God. He sees him all around and shows others God’s love through him. 

8.  Sense of humor

9.  He’s always willing to drop anything to help his family

10. He adventurous with motorcycle and food

11. Takes time to have spiritual moments

12. His sweet bright smile

13. His Famous mashed potatoes

14. Has great judgment 

15. He’s a tease

16. His hash

17. His Olive Garden marinated chicken 

18. Craig the peg

19. When he plays the piano. (especially the entertainer)

20. When he gets competitive 

21.  Love when he plays with the grandkids

22. Dad is steadfast.

23.  He can uplift an individual or a crowd

24.  A thoughtful friend 

25. Wise 

26.  Always willing to help 

27.  Loves the Lord 

28.  Loves unconditionally

29.  Always up for ANYTHING from a hike, or a sing-along to a tik tok video dance

30.  Patient

31.  Unconditional Love

32.  Humble

33.  Peacemaker

34.  Best brother

33.  Loves UTAH football

34. So able to do so many things

35.  Fastest googler in the west

36.  Spiritual

37.  Kind

38.  Funny

39.  Strong

40.  Intelligent 

41.  Caring

42.  Committed

43.  Faithful 

44.  Great sport 

45.  Very supportive 

46.  Service 

47.  Handsome

48.  Loving

49.  Humble 

50.  Compassionate

51.  Loyal 

52.  Tech-savvy 

53.  Hardworking

54.  Nonjudgmental 

55.  Caring father

56.  Thoughtful

57.  Adaptable

58.  Servant

59.  He values people/relationships over everything else. 

60.  He has integrity. 

We couldn’t stop at 60—- there was just so much more to talk about!

61.  He can be counted on. 

62.  He is faster than Siri. 

63.  He is long-suffering and never complains, even though he goes through so many hard things. 

64.  He makes everyone feel valued/is no respecter of persons. 

65.  Understanding

66.  A servant’s  heart

67.  Unconditional love and concern

68.  Focus on improvements

69.  Loyal friend

70.  Great hair

71.  Quick to laugh

72.  Assumes the best

73.  Walks the talk

74.  Never afraid to try

75. Family first

76. Devoted son and brother

77.  Rich

78.  Lucky

79.  Useful

80.  Generous

81.  Considerate

82.  Babies and kids love him

83.  Teenagers, Young adults, and the elderly love him.

84.  Everyone loves Wayne

85.  Steady

86.  a man of integrity. 

87.  A person who cares more about what the Lord thinks than anyone else. 

88. He is such a great example to us of truly being a follower of Christ in every way 

89.  He’s sexy

90.  Quick to help

91.  Level headed

92.  Leader

93.  Romantic

94.  Awesome bishop.. Relatable to young people, real

95.  A minister

96.  Generous with time and effort

97.  Willing to drop what he is doing to help others- gives up first-class tickets on an international flight.  

98.  Never puts others down

99.  Doesn’t complain when he hurts or is dizzy. ( which he is daily)

100.  Easy to travel with

101.  Honors and magnifies his priesthood

102.  Easy to love.

103.  Patient

104.  Christlike

105.  Everybody’s best friend

106.  Mellow

107.  Great listener

108.  So Christlike 

109.  Always positive

110. So very kind

111. Accepting

112. Always serving

113. Always up for a party!

We could go on and on.....

Wayne at 2, 5, 14, 19, 32, 40, 51...and now 60!

In a weird way I don’t believe in holidays because I believe in celebrating life every day.

I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day because I believe in celebrating love every day.

I don’t believe in birthdays because I believe in celebrating you and what you want — every day.

I’ve watched this trend towards birthday weeks and birthday months and it makes me laugh — why limit the celebration to a day? A week? Or a month?

Let’s celebrate each other EVERY day and ALL year.

An extensive study in the U.S.A found that the most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age.
The 2nd. most productive stage of the human being is from 70 to 80 years of age.
The 3rd. most productive stage is from 50 to 60 years of age.
The average age of NOBEL PRIZE winners is 62 years old.
The average age of the presidents of prominent companies in the world is 63 years.
The average age of the pastors of the 100 largest churches in the U.S.A. is 71.
The average age of the Popes is 76 years.
This tells us in a way that it has been determined, that the best years of your life are between 60 and 80 years.
A study published in NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE found that at age 60, you reach the TOP of your potential and this continues into your 80s.
Therefore, if you are between 60 -70 or 70-80 you are in the BEST and 2nd. level of your life.
SOURCE: N.Engl.J .Med. 70,389 (2018) ..
😉I send you this information so that you can re-think when you say that you are old 😊
..... friends, this walk called life is just beginning

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