Laila is in the green today. There is a competition in her class to wear the most green, so she has 12 green things on from her colored green sandals to the top of her ribbon banded head...she is ecstatic! We'll see if she has the most green on in her class and if she wins the prize. She was wanting to paint her skin green, like the witch in WICKED and then she would win for sure...I had to draw the line somewhere. Green Contacts?-- I said, "no."
She wrote a letter this week to
"Dear Leprechaun,
Happy St. Pat's Day.
I would like a new DS game and my Dad needs a new DS too, because he is always using mine. Thanks, Laila."
I don't know where she got the idea that a Leprechaun leaves gifts like Santa...but she does.
I've told her it's not happening. We are making green cookies to give away when she gets home from school today-- but that's about as much holiday happiness that I can muster.
I love that she loves all holidays.
I know there will come a day when she doesn't want to wear green on St. Patrick's because it's not cool. So I'll just enjoy her childish enthusiasm on this day.
Oh great, I didn't know there was a contest in their class. Poor Jacob just went with a green shirt and kacky shorts that he thinks are green. He wanted to cut up a green fleece blanket and make pants out of them, maybe I should have let him!
Hey- Syd knows that if she leaves out her shoes she gets candy. Elves also leave candy at Christmas. I think Hannah Bingham told her that. I wonder if Laila will see leprechaun signs all over the 1st grade playground like Syd did last year. They said they all saw one up in the tree. I think he always comes to the first grade playground..
Ok. It's not so much what she's wearing, but look at that FACE!!!
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