We celebrated out 26th Anniversary on Saturday. We slept in, took a long walk in the glorious weather and went to a matinee movie. We ate popcorn for lunch. Not very dazzling....but romantic, nonetheless. I pondered on 26 years of marriage plus 5 dating years with my Wayne. We have gone through ups and downs and circles ( that's because he is dizzy) and still love each other deeply. I am hopelessly devoted to my Wayne and he adores me. We've been a good fit. I always tease him that we are about the same height, so we fit just like a puzzle piece. Our noses touch, our hands clasp and our parts line up.
Wayne showed up at my closing night with a dozen long stemmed red roses "on the fat side..plump." He was very impressive to all of the girls in the cast, and especially to me.
The Draper Temple dedication was lovely. So happy to be there with my Monson and Addison. I have to confess, we got there an hour early to get a soft seat, and by the time it started I was so sleepy, I pretty much snapped, napped and gapped through the first two speakers. I enjoyed Elder Nelson's and Pres. Monson's talks immensely though. I was touched with the thoughts of how immense the sealing powers of the temple are.... I cried through their talks. Then...closed my eyes for the dedicatory prayer and , you guessed it, nodded off and about fell off the bench..Monson saved me though and nudged me to wake up. I'm glad I participated in this great event. 129 Temples and counting.
Millie is officially over and Muzzy has been put away. Another diva down. It was so fun and such a blessing to be on stage again. I enjoyed putting on the blond wig and looking like my mother every night. Her sparkly jewelry helped the transformation. I was so touched by all of the family , friends and neighbors who came to see the show. I even got a prize from the theatre for the cast member with the most mentions when customers bought tickets. I am popular.
It will be good to have my evenings back and maybe even finish the painting project I started in February. It was good to prove to myself that I could be on stage and not be the "thin" one. Even though I drove myself nuts. I know, you are all getting sick of my "crazy", but I really haven't gotten on a scale since opening night. I didn't want to break my fake reality and acknowledge that I never did lose that 15 pounds I promised myself I would from the beginning of Jan. One day I won't even mention my chub...but that's not today. One day I will keep the promises I make to myself too.
Landon moved out last Friday. I helped him haul all of his stuff and some of my old stuff too, in to Salt Lake and up three flights of stairs. I am proud of him for taking this step. I was proud of me for walking up all those steps. I miss him already. By Sunday he was sick and missing his mommy. We got Addison a new mattress set and Landon took his bed. It was a compromise. Addison's room is clean without all of Landon's stuff hanging around. Now onto my next set of projects, this time in the basement...oh, wait, that's right. I need to FINISH PAINTING THE ENTRY FIRST!!!
Guess what I'll be doing today?
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