I'm counting my blessings once more.
1. I am thankful for Spring.
I love this spring weather we are having. I actually went on TWO long walks yesterday, because I just wanted to be outside. I didn't want to be outside doing yard work--- no, that can wait til May.
2. I am thankful that I talked my kids ( Addison, Truman and Lindsey) into painting railings with me. Of course, I had to promise hourly pay, but I always say, " paid help is better than no help at all." The painting saga continues. The new yellow in the entry way is lovely though.
3. I am thankful that Laila WON her school class "who can wear the most green" contest. She got a big sack of Laffy taffy and bragging rights. She was almost beat out by a boy who painted his face green and had on a green shirt.
"He only had on 2 things, mom, and I had on 12."
We have an entire year to prep for this again.
4. I am thankful Landon is moving out. It's been two long years, with his health and personal issues, but he has his "act" together and is ready to take it on the road. He is excited about living in SLC-- closer to his work. I'm excited that he can take this step and the next step is back into school to finish his education. He really is a sweetheart, and a wonderful friend to me. I will miss his singing around the house. I will miss his sweet ways with Laila. I will miss his willingness to help. I will miss his crazy stories. I will miss his long body sleeping on the family room couch.
I will miss him.
5. I am thankful.
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