1. I'm thankful for Wayne and his frequent flyer miles. Wayne took Truman with him this past weekend to Chicago for a Housewares show. They got to be together to bond and laugh and eat some great deep dish, Chicago style pizza. They also got to sit on the stage for the Broadway musical, XANADU. Truman LOVED it! He laughed and interacted with the actors and did his wild dancing at the end of the show....on stage! Truman also loved traveling in First Class. Nice dad! The picture is of Truman standing by "the bean" in Chicago.
2. I'm thankful for my big sister, Marcie. Today is her birthday! She has always been such a huge part of my life. We are only 16 months apart in age, and really did everything together. We shared a bedroom and bed for many years. We went through school together, did theatre together and both went to WSU. Now, raising families and living just a few blocks apart, are lives are forever entwined. Marcie is an amazing Martha Stewart type of person. She is so great at all of the homemaking skills. She throws a smashing party and is a wonderful cook. She loves to read, travel, is an amazing artist and a fabulous dresser. She has a strong testimony and loves the gospel. She's a great example to me. I'm proud of her new goal to get fit.
I'm so glad that I'm her sister.
3. I'm thankful that we are still having snow. I know I can't control the weather, or the snow, so I better just enjoy it. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my patio furniture out and set the trampoline back up....but the sunshine last week was too enticing. Now I get to look at it all with 8 inches of snow on it. It's a beautiful sight. I also get to put off yard work for a few more weeks, or maybe months. Attitude is everything!
4. I'm thankful for Laila and her explanations.
This is what I overheard her say to her cousin while playing MarioKart.
"If you keep saying, I'm always in first! I'm the best! The wii game can hear you and make it so you take 12th place the next time. It's called showing off and the game doesn't like that. "
I love this reasoning.
5. I'm thankful!
Thanks La, you are the best sis.
I found your blog on Mormon Mommy blogs. I loved reading your post "Thankful Thursdays", what an awesome way to set one day to find the things to be grateful for.
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