We were watching Madagascar 2 and there is a part where there are two gangs that look like they are going to start fighting . Music underscores it and they begin snapping instead, and Laila pipes up, "Hey, it's just like WEST SIDE STORY." (I was swelling with justifiable pride!)
If you ask Laila what her favorite video is, she will tell you, "West Side Story." She goes around the house singing and snapping like a Shark or a Jett.
These are moments that make me realize what a big impact I have on her , and on all of my children.
I love Musical theatre... I have passed this love (Addison, Landon, Laila) and sometimes only like ( Truman) and sometimes toleration ( Monson) down to them. It's really the only music I listen to.... except for on the Sabbath, then it's MoTab for me--but I do sneak in the MoTab sings Musical theatre CD as often as I can.
Laila embraces this genre. She has sat through Thoroughly Modern Millie rehearsals and shows, so much, that she has the entire show memorized and can run lines with me.
She has been like this since she was born.... It's never a problem to take her to a full length musical. She will be good, entranced and entertained even if she has seen the show a bazillion times. She knows Footloose, Les Mis, Hello Dolly, How to Succeed in Business..., Joseph, Little Shop of Horrors, Once Upon a Mattress, Peter Pan, Bye Bye Birdie, Into the Woods, Annie, UrineTown and Millie.
Why not?
We were watching Wall-E...the PUT ON YOUR SUNDAY CLOTHES music begins and Laila looks at me and announces to the entire theatre.. .. "This is from HELLO DOLLY." (My buttons were popping!)
She brings kids home to play with, from school, and insists that they watch PHANTOM OF THE OPERA with her. She loves this show. She has come up from the basement numerous times totally teary and va-clempt--- she is so touched.
Last night was a Sound of Music Night. I had to hear about " Nuns and having no children and how sad that is and what if I sneaked out of the house and went to a park to sing with a boy...would you be mad? " Laila was full of observations and questions. She is trying to make sense of her musical theatre world.
I love it!
I don't know if my family will end of up on an OPRAH, in the future, for Musical Theatre Child Abuse, but if there is such a thing, I'm guilty. Lock me up and throw away the key!
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