My mom in law, Wanee had her birthday party on Saturday, and it was shared with her twin sister Wanda. It's always great to get together with Wanda's family. Wanda and Wanee-- they are quite the pair. When they are together there is always laughter-- giggly laughter.
Whenever I go to the temple with Wanee, and sit by her, there is laughter too. We can't seem to get through a session together without giggling about something. A stomach growling, a sleepy nod, not getting dressed right...something will set us off.
I love Wanee so much. She is the perfect mom in law....I can't tell any bad mother in law jokes-- because she is so great. She has always let us ( me and Wayne) do our thing and never interfered. She lets us know what is going on, then we choose. No pressure , only love and kindness.
She was our number one baby sitter with Addison and Laila, every other day, while I taught school. Wanee was so willing to do this. I always felt so blessed that my babies were with her
and Grandpa Tom.
Wanee is a fabulous seamstress. She can look at a pattern and make sense out of it. She made baby quilts for all of mine and all of the grand kids and great grand kids. She can fix a tear in jeans or sew a torn pocket. She can make a costume or a baptism dress. She really knows her way with a needle and thread. She is great at all handi crafts.
Wanee is an empathetic listener. She has had her own set of challenges: health issues, tight finances, struggling children. She has 9 kids-- all wonderful. Her last born is Holly-- born with Down Syndrome. Holly and Wanee gave us a picture of the two of them for Christmas...it is just darling. Holly is Wanee's buddy now that Tom has passed away. Wanee also lives with her 40 year old schizophrenic son and she raised her grand daughter, Lindsey, from 2 years old to 18. She is an amazing example of unconditional love and patience.
If I could grow up to be just a little bit like her, that would be enough. I would be enough.
I'm grateful I get to count her as my mom and that I get to have her love me.
Happy Birthday Wanee....... and Wanda.
"Wanda and Wanee" I always hear it announced as some sort of circus high-wire act.
What a neat post. I would have to agree Grandma Welch is ONE special lady and "Angel" definately sums it up nicely!
So sweet. Whayne Whelches Mother is an amazing woman.
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