Monday, May 13, 2024

Mothers day

 Mother's Day was delightful. I went on a gorgeous walk early in the morning with my Wayne.  The weather is finally wonderful. Then off to Add and Bre's home to get hugs and pictures taken with everyone.  I love demanding this and I remind them that if I die tomorrow they will be so thankful for this one on one pic.  They are all pleasantly agreeable.    

Addison did an ALL ABOUT MY MOM page for me...that they did in his primary....

and I received this lovely note from BRE:
I got a MEEMA shirt that has all of my grandkids names on the sleeves.  Elsie said I need to wear it on grandkid game night. I also received a book ( comedic reading of a mother's day books by Monson) a thumbs up Jesus, a sparkling nails gift card, movie gift card, garden boxes and lots of FLOWERS! I felt very seen and loved.

After church we had a BBQ with Landon and Alex, Tru and Monson and Lexi family.. Wayne smoked delicious ribs and we had all the fixings.  I didn't have to do a thing... not even the dishes.  Love my boys.  Laila FaceTimed in later... she is doing well in California and I miss her sooo much.  She has two weeks left of her first semester of college and I'm really proud of her. 

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