Sunday, May 12, 2024

May Catch up

BYU Women's conference was excellent.  I got to stay and play with Kathleen Blake... we went to see our friend Si Foster present on friendship and we had many other awesome classes as well.    It was fun to see so many people I knew there.  I started counting and came up with 30! We had a riot going to classes and walking the campus, doing service and going to the concert Thursday night of Emma Nissen, the Truman Brothers and Adassa plus more.  We ate cougar ice cream and cougar tails and hamburgers hot off the grill. We stayed overnight at the Springhill Suites and woke up to a rainy Friday morning.   It was good to fill out spiritual cups and be reminded of the doctrines and messages that keep me going in my church. When I attend these type of events, I always ask myself, “okay- what can I do a little better at, what changes can I make to enhance my life, feel more connected to family and friends….??

Kathleen dropped me off to Wayne’s car from women's conference , and we sped out to Wendover for the evening.  We stayed over so we could be at a sunrise wedding on the Salt flats outside of Wendover on Saturday morn.  Wayne performed a ceremony for Johnny Wilson- one of our old YSA’s and Liberdee Probst.  It really was beautiful with an orange sky, white sand..and all of us guests were asked to wear black ( I had to borrow a dress).


We saw Tayla’s show- Finding Nemo at CPT.  It was really well done. Megan Call is in charge of teh 3-6th grade groups.  Tayla was Squirt - a turtle- among other parts.  Tayla is the youngest kid on stage, but doesn’t look it, because she is so tall.  She really loves performing.   She has Carson and Drew Call in her class- ( Marcie’s grand kids ) I cry every time I see these kids on stage because I’m sad Marcie doesn’t get to be earthside with me watching our grands perform.  

I also saw the 7th-8th grade show that Addison directs at CPT of the Wiz, Wizard of Oz and Wicked songs all put together .  Addison did all of these fantastic projections that really “made” the show great.  

While Lexi's mom was in town we went to the LAYTON Temple open house.

It was fun to go through with those little girls and ask them what they liked and how they felt.  Lady said, “ I feel love.”  Elsie said she, “ liked the red Jesus picture best. “ and Tayla said she felt peace..and loved all the Jesus pictures.  

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