Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tayla turns 3

Our Tayla turned 3 and we celebrated at Monson and Lexi's new home.  Tayla is a darling girl with a very strong will.  She wants to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it and she has melt downs when this can't happen, but it's great watching her parents help her through these times.  Tayla gives great loves and hugs. Tayla loves playing mommy.  She is very sweet with babies and dolls and caring for them.  She loves having friends or cousins around and playing dress ups.  Tayla is great with her baby Lady. Tayla is talking better and better...still no R's or L's and speech therapy is in her future.
 We interviewed Tayla about her favorites-- 
Color: Pink 
Food:  Corn and Peas
Movie:  She said Harry Potter, which she has never seen and we don't know where that came from...she really meant Frozen and Trolls.
She loves church and nursery 
She sang "Popcorn popping"with all of the actions and she sang , "I am a Child of God."   but she added her own twist... "Lead me, Guide me, Walk beside me, Help me find my CAR."
All of the cousins were interested in what the Birthday cards said to Tayla.  

 Everybody needs a Sophia in their lives.  Sophia sat and read every word on every Birthday card to Tayla...and she did it with such emotion.   Tayla was so happy with all of the sentiments.
 Andrew and Sophia made Tayla a darling card with a drawing and very sweet notes to their little cousin. 
 Tayla got a Unicorn cupcake...she ate the unicorn off the top immediately. 

 These grandkids have my heart.  I love all six of them for their goodness and I marvel at how unique each of them are.  They each came in their own package.  Wayne and I have decided to take each grand kid to disney land for their 8th birthday. Since Andrew and Sophia are already older than this...we will make this work some time this next year.  I can't wait.  I love this idea more than little presents here and there. I want to make memories with them.
Andrew holding big mouth- Poppy, Sophia holding drool-y Lady, Alfie and Birthday girl Tayla

Matching prints... Tayla, Lady and Poppy

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