Wayne, Laila and I headed down to St. George on Thursday morning. Our plan was to stay with the Mitch and Annett and Max Eiting family on Thursday night, and then Belnaps on Friday night. To Bike and see a movie, go hiking, shopping, siit in the sun at a pool, eat good food and just hang out. We succeeded with all of this. The Eitings were so nice to have us. Laila’s friend Max broke his leg a month ago and is still non weight bearing, so there’s not much he can do-- hence the movie and hanging out. The Movie was Venom and it was no bueno...just so dumb for a Marvel Comic movie. It’s 2 hours we will never get back. But… I even like seeing a bad movie.
Wayne and I got a great bike ride in on the St. George trails that I love. There is so much to learn while I’m riding my bike. This time I was reminded of the following. Right after Wayne and I started on the Green Springs frontage road on our way to finding the bike trail there was a big 12% grade uphill that we had to ride. It was daunting and as soon as it came into my sight I thought,”uh-oh… I hope I can do this”, geared down and pedaled like a machine. I got to the top - a little wheezy- but i made it, then as I progressed through the ride I kept thinking about that hill and how I would have to do it again on my way back home. This thought was clouding my ride and taking me out of the present moment while I was dreading a future one. WHY do we do this to ourselves? I find myself doing this in life as well...not staying in the present moment and worrying about the future. The good news is I was aware of this quite quickly and talked myself out of it and worked on staying in the Present instead. I started counting my blessings and looking at the beautiful surroundings as I pedaled. Being in gratitude really is a wonderful way to stay in the present and to not let the hard get you down. We did a good- hard 25 and on the way back home that hill was nothing going the other way...a totally different experience. There’s a lesson here too. 

We climbed to Yant Flats on Saturday morning with Eric Belnap and Annett Eiting. You go to Leeds then take off to the west mountains. Once you hike in for about 45 minutes..it’s a “walk on the Moon” other worldly experience. So many amazing rock formations that are brightly colored orange, and and white. It all looks quilted. We got some great pics, climbed some mounds, then bush wacked back out to our car.
Fielding and Kimball Morley came down on Friday and Laila spent her Friday night and Saturday with them playing Smash Brothers.
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