The day after Valentine's and all through the house,
We are on a sugar high and I love my spouse.
We had a great weekend, even though it was snowy
We spent many hours in the car, wading through the ice and wind-blowy!
( You try and rhyme something with snowy....it's difficult)
Our Valentine weekend was good.
Wayne surprised Laila and I with amazing roses and assorted flowers. He asked us to officially be his Valentine and we accepted. He's so sweet and romantic. Then....
We headed to the Aspen Grove/BYU center on Friday after noon for the marriage seminar and it was crazy. We had to race out get out of town. Forgot money, forgot to leave stuff for the kids, forgot Wayne's computer at his work....we went back and forth a couple of times and finally left at 5:00.
We missed Monson's last home basketball game....and he played like a "bansheee" according to my sister and dad. We got play by plays over text messaging.
We checked in to the center and got to eat dinner with 100 strangers. Whatevs. It was okay to extend our selves and get out of our comfort zones and meet people...but a bit awkward too.
The Buffet plates were all little dessert plates. We had a lot to eat if we wanted to go back and get in line, time and again to fill your little plate. IT was odd. I'm sure the buffet people have learned that a small plate equals portion control automatically. Wayne and I went through 8 or 9 plates each. We aren't shy.
The food was good-- the prime rib-- juicy
The Seminar was.......... dry.
I had such a hard time staying awake. I started doing the lines from my upcoming show in my head to keep me from falling asleep and embarrassing my Wayne. Wayne dutifully took notes.
I was so happy when the "talking" portion of the evening was over and we could escape back to our room. We didn't do talking in our room....we did something else.........
It was a lovely evening.
Aspen Grove is up Provo Canyon, and then up the Alpine Loop-- it was very snowy.
The snow started as we got to Aspen Grove and didn't stop--by morning we easily had a foot of snow on our car. We sat in a big-windowed lodge and looked out to the scenery. It felt like we were in a giant snow globe.
We took our Prius (Master P) because Addison needed the Expedition(Gunther) to make it to Idaho. Master P is not so great in the snow and was a huge mistake.
After breakfast--( big plates this time), we met new friendly strangers, and had another workshop with the same boring speaker. We packed our bags and decided to leave a lot earlier than previously intended....not because of the boring/analytical speaker...no that wasn't it AT ALL....we left because the snow was piling up outside.
We had to dig Master P out and try our best to go the 4.6 miles down the hill to finally find a plowed road. It took us an hour to go that far. We had the river on one side, snow banks on the other, and ice in the middle. It was a wild ride. Just like our marriage!
We made it home just in time for me to go to my tech rehearsal for MILLIE-- I said Goodbye to Wayne and hello to a dark theatre.
On Valentines night we had a friend party with a lovely dinner and games and a lot of laughing. It was fun. Finally.
Wayne and I hit the sack around 10:30, totally exhausted. ( No ....and something else.... this night.) I did wake myself up around midnight to dutifully yell at the boys to "turn the DVD off and go to sleep. " I was just sharing the love.
And .... that's my Valentine's report.
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